| Chapter 29

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TYSM for 700+ reads~ 💜💜💜


60 days, 60 days were left. You sighed at the thought while smiling at Seokjin who's playing with the kids and yet again portraying a pig.


"You do know, you don't need to stick around me all the time. Right Jin?"

Frowning, he shifted his gaze towards your direction and at his surroundings shrugging. "Me? "

Tilting your head at him, you sent him a glare and a scoff.

"Who said I was? " Seokjin exclaimed acting like an innocent person, but for some reasons you found it a dumb thing to do.

Ignoring Seokjin who's busy rummaging through his pockets, you glanced out of the bus's window and without a second your eyes sparkles in happiness.

I'm close.

But, that happiness of yours turns to a frown when you suddenly felt someone placing its hand at your shoulder. Grimacing you looked at Seokjin's direction only to find him still busy playing with your phone and in that moment shivers ran up to your spine.

Shifting your gaze, you bit your bottom lip when you suddenly saw an unknown man eyeing you. It sent you a panic attack, more importantly your hands began to sweat and your whole body began to tremble.

As you were just about to move a meter away from the man, you felt him trapping you with his hands while his breath grazed at your neck.

"What's your name?"

Instead of letting your fear take over you, You let your annoyance and anger out. Stomping on his foot, you heard him whine in pain which maid you smirk in astonishment, but that didn't stop him from taking a step closer to you.

"Get your hands off me" You stated out, annoyance and discomfort laced in your tone.

"You shouldn't-"

Before he could get his hands on you for the second time around, someone suddenly pulls you which made bumped into that someone's chest who's owned by none other than Seokjin.

Glaring at the man, Seokjin stared at him up and down. "If the lady said to get your hands off, get it off. You shouldn't touch someone else's property" he spits out which made the man retreat to the other section of the bus and that made you sigh in relief.

"Thanks Seokjin, uhm can you let go of me now? " you stated which made him shift his gaze to you and then thought about what you said. With wide eyes, realization hits him and that made him take a step back.

As you were just about to stand beside him he suddenly placed his arms inbetween the handles above your head and that made you look at him confused.

"It's better if your in my line of sight"

He grumbled while looking away and you didn't notice the fact that his cheeks tinted a little bit shade of pink, but at the same time he mumbled something which made you smile-

"This is why I rather stick around you"


"What tea can turn into sweet and bitter? " Seokjin ask Hoseok while you looked at them from a far, not really far just a meter away from them since you were busy stacking some sweets.

"Realitea!" Without further a do you heard Seokjin's laughter which made you glance back at Hoseok who's trying his best not to laugh, but ended up doing that.

Shooking your head, you read the label on the pack of cookies and smiled.

Make your dreams come true.


Looking at Seokjin who's yet again buying food stall by stalls, you sat at the bench crossed legged and just chuckled in amusement.

He loves food and that's a fact that you noticed since you've been staying in one roof at the time.

Fiddling with your fingers, you asked yourself a question which you didn't thought that you would say out loud.

"How can you know someone changed?"

"When you, yourself change" flinching because of the sudden hot breath at your ear, you glanced back at Seokjin who's giving you a smile along with food and some drinks.

Sitting beside you, he ripped the wrap of the burger off and ate it happily.

"Why are you even thinking about things like that Sarang? " he ask while shoving food on your mouth which made you punch his arm playfully and that made him laugh.

"Jin, you do know you only have 60 days left right?  What if the times up? What if we didn't even make progress and-"

"Why are you worried about that? "

Frowning you, stuffed your face with a cookie and scoffed. "Why wouldn't I? "

As you were just about to state something he suddenly stated something which made you shut up and a thought suddenly smacked you right at your brain.

"Are you worried about me not succeeding or are you worried about the building? "

The building that thing of yours somehow slipped out of your mind, the building that you've been striving for. You couldn't believe that you would actually forget about it just because of his presence and you could only remember that goal of yours now.

Shrugging because of the way you act, he munched on his burger and stared at it.

"And if ever things go wrong, I wouldn't mind...

I would rather stay with you anyways"


WC: 800+

Early Update!

Q: Who do you ship with Sarang Hoseok or Seokjin?

This is unedited!

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Luv lots!


Sincerely yours,

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙰𝙺𝙴𝚁 𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙼𝙿 | 𝙺𝚂𝙹 𝙵𝙵 ☑Where stories live. Discover now