| Chapter 49

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It was like any other day, but was mixed with warmth even if it's cold, you feel happy even if your not supposed to because of the situation your in. You couldn't do anything you always tell yourself that, so that you'll go on.

Day dreaming, you sighed while smiling to yourself about the memories you both made. It was full of shouts, hatred, scolds, tears and many more, but you were glad about the outcome of it.

As you were just about continue folding up paper bags a cute small voice was heard.

"Eomma! "

Turning back, a wide smile was plastered on your lips as soon as you saw a certain girl.

"My jellybean! " you shouted kneeling down on your knees while spreading your arms out for her to run into and as soon as he was in your embrance. You smiled and hugged her tightly.

"I missed you so much!" you whispered while you heard her giggle, glancing at her she blinked and pouted.

"It took long since Aunt Shin forgot about the address you gave her and she said she lost it" she rambled while waving her hands around as a gesture which you find cute and as soon as you were just about to lift her up someone slipped in.

"Minnie?" lifting your head up, you were greeted by Seokjin who's staring at the two of you with wide eyes.

"Oppa! You work with Eomma?" crouching down, Seokjin smiled and nodded repeatedly which made Minji nod back.

Glancing at you, Minji pouts returning his attention to Seokjin and back at you. With wide eyes, Minji suddenly stood up and spreads her arms as if like she was protecting you from the Prince.

"You can't marry my Eomma! " she blurted out giving Seokjin a glare which is really cute and was the reason why he chuckled. Looking at them back and fort, you made a face of worry.

"And why can't I? "

Standing firmly at her spot, Minji scrunched her nose and stated something which made your jaw drop.

"cause I'll be the one to marry you! "


Holding Minji safely at your arms, you looked around for Seokjin since she wants to bid him goodbye.

Roaming around the streets, you smiled when you saw him talking to someone and that someone is a person who you knew well.

"Seokjin! " you greeted as soon as you were beside him while the said boy froze at his spot. Staring at his older brother in amusement, Namjoon chuckled and gave you a small bow.

"It's nice to see you Joonie! " you cheerfully greeted while nodding at him, moving at her spot. Minji raised her head and rubbed her eyes softly opening them up just to see the owner of the familiar voice.

"Oh...  Oppa your here too? " she drowsily stated giving him a smile, looking at the child in your arms you looked at Seokjin who's staring at the commotion being unfold dumbfoundedly.

"Y-You know?" he stammered and as an answer you gave him a smile along with a nod. Jolting his gaze towards Namjoon, Seokjin threw daggers at him in annoyance.

"Don't blame Joonie, Seokjin and besides I would eventually know sooner" you exclaimed as Minji cups your cheeks with her small chubby hands and that made your heart melt in joy.

"Oppa? When I grow big I'll be marrying Seokjin Oppa! "

Looking at each other, the three of you bursted out laughing while Minji looked between the three of you in confusion.


"Seokjin? " you called as you cling unto his back tightly, humming as an answer  Seokjin took a peek at you who's drowsily stopping yourself from sleeping.

"Why me? " you whispered at him, with wide eyes Seokjin stopped himself from scolding you because of your actions, instead he just held your leg securely.

He was giving you a piggy back ride since you look too exhausted for some reason and he hates seeing you like that.

"Because you helped me even if I was invisible and a douche" hearing his answer, you smiled and rested your head at his shoulder, enjoying the warmth and the safety you feel.

"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. So, you know Areum... Thank you for not giving up on me" humming as a your welcome you whispered at his ear.

"I love you... "

Stopping at his tracks, Seokjin pulled the beanie down to your head just so that it won't fall and caressed your cheeks whispering to himself.

I Love you...


WC: 700+

Q: Who do you think is Minji's father?

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