| Chapter 15

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"Come on Seokjin! " you stated, dragging him out along the way of your house and then giggled.

"Why do you need to tour me around?"

He whined while letting you drag him, scowling he stared at your smiling face and pouted.

"I thought you wanted to change? "

Catching him off guard, he sighed and grimaced.

"Of course I-"

"Then, let's go and roam around the city! Since I'm on my day off we're gonna start with your tour!"

Stopping at your tracks and your dragging, you immediately shouted at the boy who brought two bicycles.

"Hobi! "


"Why can't I ride with Ara?!"

Again, Seokjin whine while giving the younger boy glares and that made you chuckle.

"Because Sarang is a girl Seokjin, give her space" He explained and sat at the bicycle, patting the back Seokjin frowned and complied.

"But I'm still going with her later"


Grinning like a child, you glanced back at the two bickering who's a head of you and that made you laugh.

Seokjin might not like riding with boys.

You thought, while fastening your phase to catch after them.

"Wait for me! "


"So,  this is our first stop" You stated staring at the park with a wide smile, glancing back at Jin.

"Welcome to Jeju's Central Park!"

Walking beside the two you grinned cheekily and nudge Jin.

"Jin you need to be nice to Hoseok since he'll be buying us food"

As soon as you stated that Hoseok smile, but as he realized what you said it dropped.

"Wait-What?! "

Scurrying along, you left the two laughing like a maniac because of Hoseok's reaction.

"Min Ara I didn't sign up for food! "

He chased after you which made Seokjin frown, staring intently at the friendship you two hold he smiled bitterly and looked away in jealousy.

I'm supposed to be the one having fun.


Eyo! This is unedited btw.

So I'm sorry for the wrong grammar and typos~


𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙰𝙺𝙴𝚁 𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙼𝙿 | 𝙺𝚂𝙹 𝙵𝙵 ☑Where stories live. Discover now