| Chapter 23

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Wiping the sweat on your forehead, you glanced at Seokjin who's placing some beverages with furrowed eyebrows and that made you giggle in amusement.

Walking towards him, you halted and stood beside his confused figure. "What's bothering you? " you ask while staring at the sachet of coffee in his hands.

"Why do you guys separate such thing? It's still coffee" he explained, nodding you took another sachet below the stalls and placed it near the other one in his hand.

"We separate such things so that the customers see it easily Jin and who wants to rummage through coffees just to find a certain one?"

Glancing at your side profile he huffs and just placed it at its assigned place which made you grin.

Taking the handkerchief out of your pockets, you dabbed his forehead and chuckled in disbelief "your only placing stuffs on the stall for a minute, but your sweating is intense already" with that statement of yours he stared at you and gulped.

Smacking the handkerchief at his face, you smiled widely and held out a finger.

"Let's start with the do's and don'ts shall we? "


Dragging him towards one of the lamb skewer stalls, you smiled at the vendor and bowed slightly.

"Can I have two orders of skewers please" you stated while grinning at the old lady who nodded and grinned back.

"Why are you ordering on side walks you can just order in a restaurant" you heard Seokjin complain which made you you furrow your eyebrows and grimaced.

Pinching his arm, you gave him a glare while he winces in pain while making a face of what-was-that-for look.

"Stop complaining outside food is good! Their also like one of those! " you explained whisper shouting while pointing at one of the restaurant and that made Seokjin grimace.

"And besides the price is lesser and it taste amazing! " you added while pointing your pinky finger close to his face, scoffing he held your hand down and rolled his eyes.

Paying the vendor, you thanked her and dragged Seokjin towards the nearest park that has a beach side.

"Just try it Seokjin! It's yummy" you exclaimed munching on your food as you shove his at his hands and that made him stare at it.

"You can have it" he exclaimed and held it out to you which made you growl in annoyance, giving him a glare you stuffed your face with your treat.

"First Do's and don'ts, you should get used to this Jin! We aren't rich as of what you see and I swear it's really really good! Don't expect as if I'll buy there!" you muffled out through your munching and that made him scrunch up his nose.

"The price will kill me" you mumbled which was still somehow clearly heard to Seokjin.

"I don't want to and you can't make-"

Cutting his sentence off you shove a piece onto his mouth taking the food in his hands in the process and that caught him off guard.

"I swear if you won't eat it I'll stab you with that stick" you threatened while pointing at the piece of wood under a bench and that made chills run up his spine.

Munching it slowly while closing his eyes, Seokjin expect that it'll taste horrible, but he didn't expect that he'll crave for it more. As soon as he swallowed it, he immediately snatched the food on your hands and ate it and that gesture made you squeak out in laughter.


Holding unto his wrist, you dragged him towards the beach with a wide smile. "Come on Seokjin! "

Slipping your slippers off you ran towards the sea and let your feet to be soaked wet.

"Second Do's, enjoy everything in life even if you ain't rich and even if your poor! " you shouted out and that made Seokjin look at you in disbelief, you were like a kid who was locked in the house for years and has only got out now.

I don't know her he thought while glancing at the people, looking at you he sighs and decides to leave when all of a sudden you appeared in front of him which made him stumble back.

"Where are you going? "

"uhh leaving you? " he explained while raising his eye brow, grimacing you scoffed and that made him squint his eyes at you.

"Your acting like a crazy lady" he stated and was yet again ready to walk off when you blocked his way.

"And what's wrong with that?"

Looking at you in disbelief, he chuckled and glared at you. "Your asking me what's wrong with that? Your really asking me? " he whispered yell while you just nodded as an answer.

Seokjin massaged his forehead in frustration and sighs. "The thing is they'll judge you, they'll-"

"Why do you care about what other's think-"

"Of course you should care! Your public image would be ruined"

Staring intently at him you poked the insides of your cheek with your tongue and crossed your arms.

"So you don't want to be judged?"

"yes, why wouldn't I-"

"They'll still judge you even if your just a rock staying put in one place, why don't you learn to have fun? It's okay to embarrass yourself cause they won't know if you really are or not. The world doesn't revolve around them it revolves around you"

As if your words slapped him right at the face, he stared at you and kept his mouth shut.

"Let them judge you, let them criticized as long as your happy nothing can stop you from doing what you wanted to do! They don't know the real you so why would you even care about what they think?"

Smiling widely, you ruffled his hair and pinched his cheek.

"Being judged is normal cause we have a judgemental society, all you need to do is accept it and have fun while your at it! " you bubbly stated while running back to soak your feet at the warm water.

As a warm breeze passed through him, he glanced at you who's smiling widely while your hair was being swept away because of the wind and that's when he decided to do something he thought he wouldn't do.

Taking a deep breath in, he slipped his slippers off and glared at you who's cheering for him to come over.

Shooking his head, he took a deep breath in, grinning in disbelief and ran towards your direction while mumbling-

"I'll definitely regret this one day"


Another update!

I hope you like this chapter and if you do please do leave a vote and comment about what you think~

This chapter is dedicated to~


Thank you so much for giving this story an opportunity and for giving it luv~

Always stay safe!



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