| Chapter 30

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Wiping the flour off your face, you smiled and stared at the cake you baked awhile ago and then sighed.

Leaning your head close to the cake, you tried sniffing it, as usual you grimaced and just stared at your reflection in the mirror.

I wish it taste good like it smells

"What are you doing? " startled you immediately turned around and hid the cake behind you, smiling awkwardly at Seokjin who's curiously glancing at your back.

"N-Nothing?" cursing yourself for stuttering, you grinned at Seokjin and gently push him away from the kitchen, but unfortunately he had other plans.

"You baked a cake? " he ask, His eyes lighting up in delight and as he was just about to take a fork, you grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Uhh Seokjin? " looking at you and back at the cake in confusion, he hummed in response.

"How does it smell? Does it smell good or is it bad? " you ask scratching your arms as a sign of the insecurities building up on you. Scrunching his nose, Seokjin beamed a smile at you and gave you a thumbs up.

"It smells good Sarang, why do you ask? Can't you-"

Cutting him off you shoved a small piece of the cake at his mouth which made his eyes wide, not because of the fact that you just shoved food at him, but because of the taste.

Smiling in content, Seokjin grabbed the fork from your hands and started stuffing his mouth with cake.

"H-how is it? "

"It taste great! "


"Sarang? " Seokjin called while roaming around the apartment thinking deeply about one thing how can't I find her in this small apartment?

But, as he saw you he shooked that thought away and just stared at you wide eyed who's eating peacefully.

In panic, Seokjin immediately takes the spoon out of your hands which made you stopped munching the noodles on your mouth and you looked at him bewildered.

"Seokjin what are you doing? I'm eating?! " you exclaimed while you tried to take the spoon along with your chopsticks back, squinting his eyes at you, he shook his head with a no and took the cup of noodles. Throwing it straight at the trash can which made you gasp in shock and you unbelievably stared at him making a face of what-the-heck?  look.

"What came up to you Seokjin? That was my noodles!"

Tilting his head at you, he suddenly cupped your face and tilted it left to right. "Are you sick? Or are you on drugs Sarang?"

Pushing his hands out of your face in annoyance, you scoffed and grimaced at him.

"What are you talking about-"

"Those noodles were expired long ago, I put it away didn't I?"

As soon as you heard his sentence, you immediately went towards the packs of noodles under the small counter and stared at it in shock.

"I hid it there, since I was debating whether to throw it out or in"

Standing up, you avoided his gaze frantically and just smiled at him. "I didn't saw it-"

"You could've known because of the way it taste though" he exclaimed which made your hands sweat, fake chuckling, you nervously wipe it at your pants.

"I don't know what your talking about"


Technically, Seokjin noticed weird things happening to you just not at the fact that he saw you smelling different kind of things that has an intense more like gross scent, but also at the fact that you eat without complaining.

For some reasons the thought that he actually always observe you when your in his line of sight sent shivers down his spine and he couldn't believe that he would actually do that.

Throwing all of the expired packets of food he saw in your apartment, Seokjin stared at the items thinking deeply about it and then just shrug.

"Probably just me"


WC: 600+

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