| Chapter 22

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"Seokjin let me through!" you exclaimed wearing your hoodie ignoring the numbness of your head and that made the said boy frown.

"I'll be fired if I won't come back, you do know I have three more extra jobs right? Now, let me through! "

You were just about to tackle him or maybe in some ways push him, but he suddenly flicked your forehead which made you wince in pain.

"What was that for?! " you exclaimed caressing your forehead while glaring at the boy who's shooking his head.

"Seokjin I'm not sick anymore why are you like this?! Let me through-"

"You'll leave me here" he cutted your sentence off which made you look at him unbelievably, crossing your arms at your chest you stared at him who's pouting while staring right back at you.

"What are you a child? "

Squinting his eyes at you, he frowned and slipped his jacket on which made you look a him with a what-are-you-doing look.

"I'll come with you"


Standing firmly at the bus stop, you glance at Seokjin who's staring at the map sticked to the wall in amusement and that made you chuckle.

Right, he hasn't been in this area you thought while sighing in relief when the bus arrived, greeting and smiling at the bus driver you got in.

Slipping a token at the mini box, you slowly glance back and on cue your eyes widen.

"Seokjin! " you called and as he glance back at you the bus suddenly moved. Clinging onto the pole, you signaled him to move fast.

Looking at you with wide panicked eyes, he started to run chasing after the bus while you held out your hand to him.

"Come on Seokjin run faster-"

"Stop ordering me around" he grumbled which made you giggle, as you felt his finger tips touching yours you sighed and glanced back at the driver.

"Sir can you-"

Your sentence was suddenly cut off when you felt someone holding your hand, with all of your strength you pulled him towards you.

Unconsciously holding onto your hands on the pole, Seokjin gasped for air with wide eyes. Glancing down at you, he froze at his spot when your gaze met his.

Seokjin stared wide eyed at your brown doe eyes and then gulped holding onto the pole tighter, he didn't noticed it, but he felt it. He felt his stomach somehow aching.

As soon as you smiled heat rushed up to his ears, ignoring the closeness your two in, you fixed his hair with your right hand and flicked his forehead which made him comeback to reality while wincing.

"You should always pay attention Jin" you stated and giggled, holding unto his forehead he stared at you who's giggling and was he sure that he felt his heart jump out of his chest.

What are you doing to me Ara?


"So, we have arrived! " you exclaimed staring at the mini market you work at as a cashier, glancing at Seokjin who's still clinging unto the hem of your sleeve afraid that he might be left alone again you chuckled and dragged him in.

As you set foot in the market, you smiled at you saw your coworkers fixing themselves up for the day and that made you smile widely.

"Good morning!" you greeted while holding unto Jin's wrist, as they were just about to greet you back they froze and stared at the boy who's roaming his eyes around the shop with a what-is-this-place look.

As you got in the staff's room, you brought your sleeves up and sighed hanging your backpack.

"Jin, you can just stay here if you want, I'll be just out there lifting and fixing stuff-"

Your sentence was cut off when, he suddenly went out of the staff room and that made you grimace.

When will he listen to me?


Placing the beverages at the stalls, you glance back at Seokjin who's being entertained with questions from one of your coworkers.

"You didn't tell me that you have a boyfriend" jolting your head towards the girl beside you, you made the face of disgust and thought why do they assume things immediately?

"Your really good at fishing boys, good looking boys to state the fact. Can you fetch me some Eonnie?"

With wide eyes you immediately shook your head furiously "We- he's not- we're not together! Good looking? Pfft H-he ain't" you stated in defense while taking a quick glance at Seokjin who's actually looking at you.

As your gaze met he smiled and waved at you which made you avert your gaze away from him. He's bipolar alright. At that moment you received a suspicious look from your coworker.

As soon as she left, you took a deep breath in and looked at Jin who's busy rummaging through some boxes.

Me being in a relationship? You grimaced and shook your head.




I updated yet again cause I don't want Toxic to end yet, so this is where I'm updating lmao.

Hope you like this chapter and if you do please do leave a vote and a comment~

This chapter is dedicated to~


Thank u for all the love and support! Borahae~


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