| Chapter 55

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Leaning on the tree, you let snow fall flat on your head while you were closing your eyes caressing Seokjin's head who was asleep at your lap.

It was supposed to be you, you were supposed to sleep and you asked him to sing for you which he didn't gladly do. So, as a result you ignored him and he ended up laying at your lap, falling asleep afterwards.

As he falls asleep, you asked yourself questions. Questions about him, you, your relationship, predictions, life, love, happenings, future and many more which cause you to giggle, laugh, frown, be mad at some point. There was one question in your mind.

Will everything change after?


Still playing with his hair, you didn't realize that he was actually awake aware about the fact that you were in some ways twirling his hair.

Staring at you unbothered, Seokjin blurted out-

"I've been meaning to ask this... Why did you run away? "

Opening your eyes, you looked down at him smiling, taking a deep breath in and out. Smoke, appeared and that made you nod.

"Because if I were truly to be myself..." cutting your sentence off, you glance down at him and smiled sadly removing the drips of snow falling on his cheeks.

I will break my father's heart"

You continued, smiling bitterly while Seokjin reached at you and then cups your cheeks. "Its really forbidden to be ourselves... " he whispered letting you know that you weren't alone, he was also feeling the same thing.

"I've been a douche, stubborn, spoiled and I always shout. But,  that's just because I want to be noticed, to be heard by them... They were always busy with work, with responsibilities" he stated and holds your hand. Fiddling with it, Seokjin grimaced and sits up.

"Actually I was thankful for them for kicking me out"

Looking at him you cleared your head from questions and answers. Staring at the frozen lake, you looked at the sky as the clouds cleared revealing the sun as snow flakes fall.

"I escaped from the responsibility and-

Tilting his head, he gave you a warm smile which you returned back.

-I met you"

Out of instict, you immediately smacked him at his arm while looking away hiding the blush creeping in your cheeks and that made him snicker at you.

Resting his head at your shoulder, he exclaimed and sigh wrapping his arms around your waist.

"What's stopping you? " you whispered, curious to know the truth.

"Stopping me from what? " answering your question with another, you turned around and gave him a look of you-know-what-I-mean look.

Awkwardly chuckling, he scratched the back of his neck standing up and as he was just about to walk away you grabbed the hem of his shirt, hanging your head low.

"I won't force you, I'll wait for you, but please don't think that it will hurt me or even bring me pain. I know my faith, I know how much it hurts and I'm prepared to face anything for you-

Looking up, you stared at the back of his head biting your bottom lip as you shed tears.

-just d-don't forget and give up on me... "

As you laid your head at his hand you silently cried. Clenching his fist while biting his lip which was bleeding because of the wounds, pressure and the cold weather.  Lifting his head up, Seokjin stopped himself from crying and just smiled bitterly.

"I l-love you... Seokjin"

As your hand left his, he slowly looks back at you with wide eyes as he looked down at your unconscious body, immediately crouching down, lifting your upper body up, tapping your cheeks and that's when he broke letting his tears fall.

"Areum!! "


WC: 600+

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I was actually listening to Selena Gomez's song Lose you to love me and I'm really a mess behind this very screen XD.

Have a great day/night!



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