| Chapter 12

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Sighing, Seokjin stared at the television and back at the remote.

Why can't she just bring me with her?!  He thought pouting while glancinga at the clothes that were neatly folded and hid yet again at the boxes.

Standing up, he frowned and pouted while thinking of a plan how to go to the bakery, at that moment he suddenly smiled mischievously when an idea popped on his mind.


Plopping down the floor, you took a glance towards your knees that has bruises and that was just because of your lack of sleep.

Staring at the storage compartment your gonna clean, you smiled and breathed out.



Walking along the streets, Seokjin furrows his eyebrows searching for a certain building and bakery.

Stopping every now and then to look at his surroundings, he thought to himself-

Did I locked the apartment?

Answering his own question with a nod, he continued his journey towards her working place, along his journey he ignored the states and the clickings of camera despite the fact that he was slowly getting annoyed with it. 


Humming a song while picking up a box, you neatly stacked canned foods on the stalls and clapped your hands together in satisfaction.

"Ara! The Manager needs you! " hearing the voice of your co-worker you immediately picked the empty box up and scurried along towards your coworker's direction.

Tapping you with her small brow envelope, she smiled and wriggled her eyebrows.

"It seems like we'll have a bonus" she exclaimed and that made your jaw drop, tilting your head to the side you ask.

"You sure I'm included? I mean, I only started a few weeks-"

Cutting you of, she took the box and pushed you in the office.  Facing the manager with a frown you bombarded him with questions-

"Mr. Choi am I included? Why though? I only started a few weeks ago. Wouldn't  it be unfair to your other employees? You can just give it-"

"Ms. Min? " cutting you off, you bit your tongue and smiled sheepishly.

Why do they cut my sentence off?

Helping out a small brown envelope, you grimaced and shook your head.

"No, Mr. Choi I can't-"

Before you could finish your sentence, he shoved it in your hands and pushed you out of his office.

"I'm proud of you Ara" he stated slamming the door right at your face, staring down at the envelope and at your hands you frowned in amusement.

Why do they push me away?


Smiling widely, he stared at the bakery before him and released a sigh.

They don't have another branch right? Seokjin ask himself while frowning.

Flinching, he suddenly jumped back when he was greeted by a familiar boy.

I'm at the right place. He thought smiling in victory, praising himself I'm the inside and then he suddenly froze when he realized that the boy before him is staring with wide eyes.

"Uh- is Ara here? "


Sitting comfortably, you stared outside the bus and sighed.

When suddenly the bus stopped and there came in a woman who's somehow pregnant carrying plenty of stuff.

Out of instinct, you immediately stood up and smiled at her.

"You can sit here Ma'am" you offered while helping her sit down, holding unto one of the poles I took some of her stuff to help her sit comfortably.

"How was your day ma'am?"


Bidding goodbye, you smiled and gave Mrs. Lee a last wave.

"Take care!" she exclaimed which made you grin, bowing lightly at her, you continued going to your workplace.

Good thing it wasn't that far away, only about seven blocks away, scratching the back of your neck, you poke your cheek with your tongue and cheered.

It's just seven blocks, how far can it be?


Fine, it's far. 

You thought while pushing the door open in exhaustion, wriggling your shoulders you stopped at your tracks and smiled when you saw Hoseok.

"Hi! Ho- Jin? Why are you here?! "


(A/N: What will you do if ever you see the World Wide Handsome Seokjin on the streets walking as if it's his modeling area?)

Lol, I've finished another one! I hope you like it and if you do please leave a vote and a comment!

Sorry for the wrong typos and grammar >_<


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