| Chapter 04

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Trash, that's something you hate. There's no time in your job that you didn't or haven't been ordered to throw out the trash.

You were always ordered to anyways,  clasping your hands together, dusting your apron and shirt softly you shifting your gaze across the street, stopping it at the tramp who ransacked the bakery a few weeks ago.

Staring intently at him, you smiled softly seeing as he still has the muffins and that's when an idea popped in your mind.

Running in one of the closest market, you got three packs of different juices along with some crackers, with a smile you went out and was shock to find him nowhere.

That smile turned into a mischievous one when hour saw him peeking at the bakery, you tiptoed quietly towards his direction and then-

"Yah- "

"Someone help!!!"

Covering my ears, you winced because of shout and that made you grimaced at him in disappointment. Starring at him unbelievably, he stared right back at you after the shouting.

Nodding, you showed him the plastic bag with food and that made him furrow his eyebrows at you.

"You expect me to eat that trash?!"

With that statement, you stared at him coldly and snickered. He doesn't want it? Fine then.

"Fine if you don't want it fine sir, please do starve to death" you smiled sarcastically and was just about to walk in the bakery when a hand grabbed your wrist.

Looking back, a smile formed on your lips when you saw him holding his hands while looking away with pink cheeks. Cute.

Placing it in his hand, I smiled clapping my hands together and exclaimed- "Have a great time-"

"Your too kind" freezing at your spot, you tilted your head at him in confusion and frowned.

"What do you me-"

"Your too kind and that's weird, why would you give food to a stranger every week huh?!  What if he/she use you?! " he suddenly blurted out of anger, clenching his fist Seokjin stared at the girl who's been feeding him and showering him with food.

His eyes widens when you smiled and giggled at him. "I ain't dumb and if there's someone who'll use me then,  let them use me,  karma will still hit them anyways"

Starring at you from top to bottom, he grimaced and scoffed. Shifting his gaze towards the plastic bag, he heard the clinking of the bell and that made him sigh.

Your dumb, he thought angrily taking a mini juice at the plastic back and immediately drinking it whole. His head suddenly shot up when he heard the clinking again and you held out another pack of muffins.

"I know it's not much like the ones cooked inside, but I tried my best. Instead of throwing it, I decided to give it to you" you explained and slipped it in the plastic bag, walking back in the bakery as if like nothing  happened.

Too dumb.


Starring at the bakery, that your now technically closing he stared back at the packs of muffins and opened it, taking one.

His eyes widen because of the bitter savor of the muffin, spitting it out Seokjin gagged and frowned. Starring at the pack, he sighed out in disgust and was about to throw it when he froze at his spot seeing you staring at the building he's staying in, well staying out to be precise.

Suddenly you closed your eyes and whispered some things, looking back at the old rusty building, the bakery, the pack of food and at you. He made a conclusion and that's when a plan was made in his gorgeous mind.


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