| Chapter 45

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"Seokjin... for me, your my Spring Day" those words were still ringing inside a certain someone's head even though its been a few days since you said that.  You were starting to talk to him, but that doesn't mean you were back to square one.

You've been trying to ask yourself these days, if you were okay with it? About what you think about it?, but there was only one question stuck in your mind. If his going to choose...

Would he choose me or his kingdom?

It might sound selfish, but somewhere deep within your heart you want him to choose you. Despite that, you also don't want him to choose you. You want him to choose his kingdom, his family, his subjects after all he's the heir.

Staring blankly at the ceiling, you averted your gaze towards the sleeping narcissis who seems to be in a good dream land. Smiling, you were about to remove the strands of hair on his face when he suddenly called you-

"Areum... " retreating your hand, you sit up and admired his features smiling every now and then because of his snores.

As you stared, your heart beat accelerates and one question flashed through your mind.

What if he made me choose?


Too occupied with your thoughts, you haven't even notice Seokjin who's poking your arm, frowning he scoffed and flicks your forehead to get your attention.

"Yah! What was that for?! " you whined while rubbing your throbbing forehead while glaring at him, smiling sheepishly he shooks his head and was about to hug you, but you immediately took a step back.

"Maintain a five meter distance away from me" you stated, sticking your tongue out playfully while pointing your pinky finger at him to measure the distance.

"What are those for? " he ask dumbfoundedly while you grinned at him, crossing your arms you tilted your head nodded.

"Just to make sure that I won't confess for the second time"

With furrowed eyebrows he watch you walk away while he process what you just said, as soon as he got it a wide smile suddenly engulfs his lips.

"Wait for me princess! "


Walking side by side, Seokjin stared at both of your hands that kept grazing at each other. Just hold her hand he thought to himself while biting his bottom lip. What if she doesn't want to hold hands?  Losing hope Seokjin just hid his hands on his coat's pocket and just scold himself while pouting.

Noticing the sudden change of mood, you giggled and slipped your hand on his pocket intertwining your fingers together. Staring at you wide eyed, Seokjin's ears turns bright pink as his face heats up.

"If you want to hold my hand just do it narcissis-

Looking back at him, you gave him a sheepish smile and squeezed his hand softly.

-I wouldn't mind"

Instead of being mad because of the nickname you gave him, he turns completely red as a shy smile tugged on his lips.



"Your acting like a girl" you insulted him while he just glares at you, scoffing he mumbled-

"So what-"

"It's cute" you cut his sentence off while grinning which made him shut up, hanging his head low he thought to himself why am I acting like this?

Taking a deep breath in and out, you smiled as a gas like smoke came out of your mouth because of the cold weather.

Looking at Seokjin who's practically scolding himself for some reason, you smiled and cupped his face. You knew very well that he missed hugging you like before, teasing you like before and telling you that you like him 24/7 like before.

You stared deeply at his eyes and smiled. "Kim Seokjin... I like you" with wide eyes, he immediately stood up on his seat as you just shrugged.

"I have feelings for you, but I don't expect an answer or anything so... please don't let it bother you" you continued while pinching both of his cheeks.

Without hesitation, Seokjin engulfs you with a hug holding you firmly at his chest as he nuzzled his face on the crook of your neck.

"I like you too... " he whispered which made you smile softly, slowly bringing your hands up to hug him back.

"I know... "

Pulling back he furrowed his eyebrows and frowned at you. "what do you mean "I know"?!" he stated as you laugh hysterically because what you thought that would happen just did.

Bringing your hands up, you caressed his cheeks softly with a smile and something caught your attention.

"Wah! Seokjin there's a mistletoe above us! " you exclaimed happily while swaying both of his hands and that made him confused.

"What about it? " standing firmly, you grimaced and pinched his arm which made him wince in pain.

"Your a prince! Don't you know about the tradition?!" you whined at him while pointing at the mistletoe above your heads, tilting his head he stared at it intently.

"From what I know your supposed to kiss-

Cutting his sentence of you kissed his cheeks and walk away.

-under the mistletoe..."

Staring at your figure which stopped, you turned around and gave him a sad smile.

"Seokjin...choose your kingdom-

You stated, void visible in your tone as Seokjin stared blankly at you. You were in pain, you hated the thought of it. You hated it very much... but, what can you exactly do?

-not me"


WC: 900+

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