| Chapter 51

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The darkest the sky, the brighter the star and in your deepest darkest secrets there was a star that somehow lights up your whole being. Kim Seokjin.

You hate seeing him guilty, you hate seeing him distancing himself from you to pick up the mess he made, you hate it that your trapped in a blank space since your father came and patronized your mind, again.

You want everything to be back to normal, to the way it used to. You miss him that's something you want to tell him out loud so bad, but for some reasons you can't because you can't take of the look he held after your father left that day. You hated it. As if like his eyes were indicating that he regrets telling your father, he regrets being himself, he regrets... meeting you.

Tilting your head, you looked at Seokjin who seems so lost in thought. Standing up, you walked away from the counter and walked towards his direction quietly. Wrapping your arms around his waist, you gave him a back hug and leaned your head at his back.

You can't say anything, you can't at all as much as Seokjin regrets it you were also thinking the same thing.

It's actually better if the two of us didn't meet. 

That, you hate that thought of yours. You hate your subconscious telling you negative things. Flinching at your spot, you looked at Seokjin who holds the same agony and sorrow.

He hanged his head low, slowly taking your arms away from him and then he walks away from your reach. You were slowly getting used to it and it makes your heart ache. As if like your silent, locked in a cell and people kept threatening you to shut up.

But despite all of that you want to tell him-

Seokjin... I love you.


Glancing back at you who's still at the same spot he left you, Seokjin ruffled his hair in frustration and crouched down.

He was so upset, he thought he could fix the relationship between you and your father, but it turns out that it didn't. It got even worse.

He was so guilty because of that.


Walking behind, you stared at Seokjin's  back and sighed. You can't take it anymore and if it means for you to confront your problems you would, as long as he was there for you.

Running towards him, you engulfed him with a hug and you let your tears stream down your face.

"I'm s-sorry" you hiccuped while apologizing which made Seokjin's eyes wide, turning around he immediately cupped your cheeks and wiped your tears away. He hates seeing you cry, you were strong always hiding everything with your genuine smile now that he thinks of it. What is your true smile?

"I'm s-sorry, I'll be s-stronger Seokj-jin please... just don't- I'm sorry" you gulped the lump in your throat as your hands trembled you held his hand and buried your face on it and sighed.

"P-Please just s-stop ignoring me, S-Stop avoiding m-me, s-stop... It's not your f-fault, your not at f-fault" you stuttered while cupping his cheeks.

Seokjin hates seeing you so fragile, because between the two of you, your more stronger than him, more independent, selfless. The two of you were so different yet so alike.

Breathing out, Seokjin nodded repeatedly and hugged you tightly, caressing your hair as you struggled in breathing in and out.

"I won't, Don't worry I won't. Not anymore..."


Resting his head at your lap, he stared at you as you stared down at him, caressing his cheeks. You stopped crying because he teased you about it and that made you annoyed. The two of you decided to settle down in the nearby park, that doesn't have that much people around and is quiet.

"I love you... " you stated again which was only answered with a nod. Sitting up, Seokjin trapped you between his arms and leaned his forehead at yours, looking at you in worry.

"I'm... sorry"

Starring at him you furrowed your eyebrows in wonder. What's he apologizing for? Again?  You thought to yourself, as tears stream down his face your eyes widen and you immediately had a panic attack. As you were just about to cup his cheeks, he suddenly pecked your nose which caught you off guard.

Staring down at you, Seokjin's tears streams down from his cheeks and softly falling down to your's. You stared at his red puffy eyes and nose as you listen to him whisper.

"I'm sorry..."

WC: 700+

Q: Where do you think Hoseok went for a vacation?


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