| Chapter 56

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It was a nice wether, people opening shops, greeting each other, as cars pass by and along with it the people walking, brushing into each other. Some, even bumping and there's Seokjin who's sitting firmly at his stool as he awaits for his brother.

"Hyung! "

Raising his head up, Seokjin waved at Namjoon who's giving the older a look of disbelief. Seokjin was a mess, with messy hair, red eyes, stuffy nose and an unbothered aura of despair.

"What's wrong? " taking a deep breath out, Seokjin yawned and facepalmed.

"I won't go back... " he whispered, downing the coffee visible at the tea cup. Standing up, Seokjin took his coat and slipped it on.

"What are you saying Hyung? " Namjoon ask bewildered at his decision, eyeing the older latter in confusion.

"I can't... I can't leave her"


Holding the doorknob firmly, Seokjin sighed and twisted it open only to be greeted by the fresh cold breeze. Looking at you who's to engulf in staring outside, he chuckled and made his way to you.

"Have you ate your breakfast?" he ask, flinching at your spot, you look back at him and smiled.

"Your back!" you stated ignoring his question, holding unto the pole you dragged it towards the bed and sat there firmly.

Sitting beside you, he grimaced and pinched your cheeks. "You didn't answer my question"

Whining you smack his hand away, cupping your cheeks to be protected from his pinching. Looking away, you shook your head and pursed your lips into thin line.

"I was waiting for you to come back and besides I don't have an appetite to" you blabbered, scratching your arms and standing up.

"How can you get out of this place if you won't listen to the doctors? " freezing at your spot, you frowned and looked back at him.

"I'm actually very fine, its just because of the cold weather. Every year this happens when its winter season" you explained while gesturing your hands around which caused Seokjin to laugh at your attempt to actually make him believe.

"How can I leave, if your like this... " hiding his face under his hands, he whispered which you clearly heard and that made you poke your inner cheek with your tongue.

This is what you don't want to happen, Seokjin doubting to leave.

"I'm fine and you can leave me anything around, I'm ready for that. I just want a proper goodbye" you stated and looked at him sternly at the eye which made him hang his head low.

"I didn't mean it like that-"

"Don't even plan on staying Kim Seokjin" you cutted him off, with that statement of yours he looks up at you with a pained expression. Your words were direct and harsh.

"I'm telling you, I'll even drag you to the place your supposed to be in "

Standing up, he puffs out air and furrowed his eyebrows at you.

"I don't want any of-"

"of what? The responsibilities? Why? Its because of me right? Seokjin! I'm not weak this is just one time! Don't think so lowly of me! I can live! I can go on without you beside me! " you stated in one breath while he just stare at you, he knows, Seokjin knows that your pushing him away, hurting him purposely.

"I know that you aren't, but I hate to hear and see you crying at night just because of me! Do you think I don't know that? You always stare at me at night thinking that I'm asleep and then you'll burst into tears. I don't want you in pain! "

Holding the pole tightly, your lips quivers into a smirk as your whole body trembled and weakened.

"Is that also the reason why you don't want to kiss me? "

You asked out loud which made him look away from you, clenching his fist he gulps and gritted his teeth.

"Your worried about me being in pain if you leave me, but do you even think about yourself being in pain just because you need to loose me-

Stepping closer towards him, you frowned and snickered.

-to attain your dreams? "

Looking at you, his eyes were wide as you scrunched your nose.

"I'm not the only one crying aren't I? When I fall asleep just because of crying do think I don't know that you also do the same? Waking up in a messed up feelings"

Wrapping your arms around his neck, you made him look at you.

"But... don't you think its worth it to be in pain? Atleast you wouldn't be in pain because of regret "

You caressed his cheeks, grazing your finger tips at his bottom lip and up until his eyes.

"I can handle myself okay? Please just worry about yourself for me... "

Staring at his deep ocean eyes, you melted and let yourself be drowned in pain, happiness, fear and love. Grazing your fingers at his lips, Seokjin lets out a shaky breath because of your intense gaze and as he was just about to push you away, you pulled him at his collar which caused your lips to collide.

WC: 800+

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This is unedited, I apologize for the wrong grammar and typos.



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