| Chapter 32

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Laying his head down at his arms, Seokjin sighed and stared at your form who's sleeping peacefully.

It's already been three days since you were prisoned here in the hospital and that made him anxious.

Why can't the two of you leave? Because the two of you haven't paid the bills, because Seokjin doesn't want to pay your savings and because he was trying to make sure you have fully recovered.

"Jin? " you called with a raspy voice which made Seokjin look up at you, smiling at his reaction you giggled and that made him frown at you.

Seokjin was about to ask help from Hoseok, but you stopped him from doing so even though he didn't tell you and the fact that you read him as if like he's an open book makes him insecure.

"The savings is under my bed if you want to know" you whispered which made him shook his head almost immediately, Seokjin scoff and took your phone.

"I'll be back" he stated and you nodded as an answer.

He was shocked, Seokjin was shocked at the thought that you didn't want Hoseok to be around you. He wants to know why? Why don't you want him to come over? Seokjin always disagree with visits and such, but now that he agrees to that idea you refuse.

You really confuse him to the extent that he himself doesn't know what's going on with your mind and that bothers him the most.

You know him yet he doesn't seem to know you, why is that?  Is it because of the fact that he's an open book or because your hard to read?

Shrugging, Seokjin unlocked your phone which contained the collage of him doing different meme faces. He doesn't know when it was taken, but he was annoyed at the fact that you use your home screen wallpaper whenever he exclaimed that he's WWH.

Placing the number of his most trusted friend, Seokjin stared at it and then sighed.

Placing it at his ear he just realized that,  despite the fact of you teasing, scolding, making his self esteem bad. He can't deny that he likes it, he likes the fact that you tease, scold and make him look bad; he doesn't know why either.

As he was just about to enter his train of thoughts for the hundredth time, a cold and deep voice full of authority greets his ears.



Staring at the door, you waited for him to comeback ignoring the pain slowly engulfing your whole system.

Clutching your stomach you grimaced and scold yourself.

Note to self, always check the expiration date of the food.

"This will only add up to our expenses" you grumbled removing the blanket out of your feet, you limped towards the bathroom while dragging the pole with you. 

Sitting down at the toilet doing nothing in particular, you stared at your reflection and then state to yourself.

"Maybe he already paid it"


Munching on your food, you stared at Seokjin and will still do until he finish his stack of foods.

"Jin? "

Shifting his gaze at you, he nods as an answer while still stuffing his face with noodles and rice.

"About the other day-"

"You don't need to tell me if you aren't ready, I'll wait. I made a stupid decision without even asking how you'll feel about it and I'm sorry for being hot tempered yet again" he explained, you smiled and without warning you glomp him with a hug in happiness.

"Thank you" you whispered and that made Seokjin look at you with confusion,  shrugging he hesitatanly hugs you back.

He likes it, he likes the fact that your warming up to him, he likes the fact that your warmth makes him feel like as if he's home, he likes the fact that you treat him as if like he's your family, he can't believe that he can somehow be attached to someone who he just knew so much and he might not admit it, but that thing makes him shudder in fear.

WC: 600+

Q: Drop 5 groups that you stan the most~

This is unedited!

Please do leave a vote and a comment if you like this chapter UwU

I'm running out of drafts lol ≥﹏≤

Always stay safe!



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