| Chapter 10

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Frowning, Seokjin stared at your apartment and at you.

Your apartment was simple with white and brown texture. Yet, Seokjin thinks it's too small for his godly self and it makes him feel uneasy.

"It isn't much, but this is only the apartment that's close and that I can afford" you stated, struggling in keeping the boxes and papers in hand while searching for your pair of keys.

Glaring at Jin, who's still examining your apartment out of what? You don't  know.

"Uhm can you help me? Hello?!"

You stated out while frowning, shifting his gaze on you he tilts his head in confusion.

If prince's attitude are like his I'll definitely erase them out of my dream list when I was a kid.


Staring at his reflection in the mirror he frowned and grimaced in disgust. No wonder they thought of me as a tramp, this is so disgusting.

Taking a towel that he saw nearby, he went in the shower and stared at the thing intently.

How do they use this?


Rummaging all of your clothes and boxes left unpacked, you searched for clothes that will somehow fit him. Luckily, you had one.

"Jin! I'll put the clothes here at the mini table beside the door okay?" you shouted and placed the clothes neatly.

Roaming your gaze around your messy apartment full of clothes and boxes you scoffed, ruffling your hair in frustration.

Sitting on the sofa, you stared at the ceiling and waited for the boy to comeback.

As soon as you heard shuffling and a soft thud from the door, you asked-

"Hey Jin what did you need help for-

Cutting your sentence off, you stared at the boy who's staring at the clothes you gave him and gasp sitting up.

"It fits you perfectly Jin!" you squealed and walked towards him.

"It isn't comfortable, so shut up" he replied and that made you snicker in disappointment.

"So what do you want to eat?" you asked opening your little refrigerator while scanning for food and dissapointingly you only saw ramen.

Taking it out, you stared at it and sigh. Smiling at Jin, you went towards the kitchen and started cooking.

"Can I ask?"

Looking at you with squinted eyes, he scoffed and sat at the stool. "Your already asking-"

"why do you need my help? I mean why me? There's plenty of people who you could ask"

Placing his head on his palm, he closed his eyes and ignored your question. Looking back at him, you pouted and shrugged.

"What am I gonna do to help you? "

Opening his left eye, he looked at you for a while and stood up.

"I need to survive living in the outside world for 100 days, currently I don't have progress and I only have 80 days left" he explained, poking his fingers in the wooden table.

"By the way, Is Sarang really your name?"

Resting your back at the counter, you crossed your arms and shook your head. "Ara is my real name, Sarang is kind of just my nickname"

"Why do you live alone, I thought you live with your husband or something" he wandered his question off which made you laugh and clap your hands together.

"I don't have a husband Jin, I'm too young for marriage"

In that day, the two of you asked each other questions about yourselves and about the deal.


"You sleep in the bed, in that room and I'll sleep here at the couch" you explained yawning in tiredness while stretching you arms in the comfortable mattress.

As Jin was about to turn around to search for the certain bedroom you called-

"Jin? "

Turning back at your form who's half asleep, Seokjin hummed as an answer,  but as soon as you continued your sentence a small smile formed on his lips while his cheeks turned slightly pink.

"Good night your highness"


How have you been! I hope that your enjoying this potato story of mine!

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