Chapter 4: Spinning Rooms

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This is "Serious Steven" but wrote differently. Expect a few more chapters like this before we move on to the story.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Steven and the gems were traveling to a location via Warp Pad. They reached the location and proceed. There was huge strawberries around the place.

(Steven) Smells like strawberries.

Their mission was to recover a gemstone.

(Pearl) Unbelievable. This was once a gem battlefield. Now, it's wild strawberries as far as the eye can see. Oh, thats what I love about the Earth! Maybe this will be a light mission after all.

Garnet stopped. The structure was an upside down pyramid.

(Garnet) Maybe not.

She materialized an item which she used to insert it into a hole which fits the item. Then a door opened for them to walk inside. It was a huge room which showed stuff on the walls.

It showed a pink figure and other individuals behind it, fighting a white figure. This must be a sign. Steven noticed that the pink figure looked like Rose Quartz but decided to keep it to himself.

The gems were observing the walls as well. Steven noticed a floating upside down pyramid. He moved it right side up and the place started shaking. Gravity worked the opposite direction and everyone fell through a hole in the ceilings.

Everyome stuck the landing. The ceiling closed and torches lit up the room they were trapped in. There were triangle shaped holes that lead into different rooms.

(Amethyst) Looks like we're gonna have to split up.

(Garnet) Me and Steven will stick together.

(Pearl) Are you sure? Why don't you be sensible and pair him with Amethyst?

(Garnet) If you want this trip to go smoothly, you stick with Amethyst.

Pearl remembered that Garnet is the one who can see the future, meaning she knows which route is best for everyone. She didn't like being with Amethyst but she'd rather be stuck with her than Steven.

(Pearl) Lets go Amethyst.

They walked to a room.

(Garnet) Come on, Steven.

Garnet gestured for him to follow her. He complied and went with her. They remained silent.

When they reached a room, the door behind them closed and the tiles on the floor lit up.

(Garnet) We need to stay on the glowing pannels.

Steven understood this room, stay on the glowing tiles and nobody gets hurt. Easy enough. They made it across the room without any problems.

Once again, they haven't said a word to each other, except Garnet from earlier. Steven isn't one for small talk. They proceed forward only for the door to close behind them and at the end of the room.

The place started to rumble for a moment before halting. Steven felt an odd sensation, it must be the atmosphere of this place. It felt like he was being spun around.

(Garnet) We can take a break if you're not feeling well, Steven.

(Steven) I'm fine.

He quickly responded.

(Steven) Lets focus on getting out of here.

Garnet noticed his quick reaction and took note of it. He observed the wall to see if it had any clues for getting out of the hallway. So far, norhing but shapes on the wall, mostly triangles.

Steven Universe AU by: Samuel152Where stories live. Discover now