Chapter 13: Encrypted Message

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"The Message" but written differently.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Greg was playing his guitar.

(Steven) It sounds decent enough.

(Greg) Aw, thanks. I'm thinking about calling it "Water Witch". And check this out. I can add some vocal disorientations, too.

He grabs a microphone and adjusts the mini control pad connected to it.

[Influenced by Microphone] (Greg) Steven, your Dad's a robot now. And now that I'm a robot, things will be better and colder. Please forgive me for being an amazing machine.

He adjusts during his speech and made multiple voices during it.

(Steven) Where did you get the equipment for that?

(Greg) It was part of my stuff when I use to do concerts and stuff. Now its part of everything else in the storage unit. I was recently inspired by making some new songs after that trip to save Earth's water. Take a look.

He showed Steven a picture of a cover. It showed a woman who looks like Lapis.

(Steven) Dad, this is Lapis.

(Greg) I know but I'm not trying to make her look bad or anything. I just think she and that pillar of water was cool. If she ever comes back to Earth, I gotta thank her for the idea. Hey, wanna help me make a new jam?

He offered Steven an electric guitar.

(Steven) Sure.

He plugs in the guitar and tune it.

(Greg) We need a catchy hook. Got any ideas?

(Steven) I think I have one.

He took a moment to prepare hinself before he started playing the guitar.

(Steven) 🎶 She was trapped in a mirror and it couldn't be clearer. She wanted to leave this place and get herself back in space. And you might think she's a criminal but her friendship comes through sublimibal. Lapis Lazuli, you fled into the bottom of the sea. Lapis Lazuli, you were so mad, but then you came around to me. 🎶

(Greg) Steven, that was beautiful. I should've let you wrote all my songs.

(Steven) I don't think I'm that great. But it was something.

Then they heard some weird and annoying sound.

(Steven) What is that?

(Greg) Must be some kind of weird feedback.

He tried tuning the control panel.

(Greg) Hmm... It's not us. I think it's coming from the temple.

(Steven) I'll check it out.

Inside the house.

Steven opened the door and noise got louder and it's rumbling the house. Steven covered his ears in attempt to decrease the volume he's hearing but no such luck.

(Steven) What's going on?!

(Pearl) It's the Wailing Stone!

(Amethyst) Make it stop!

(Pearl) It just activated on its own!

(Amethyst) It won't shut off!

Garnet placed the stone down and activated her gauntlet. She placed her gauntlet on it to stop the rumbling and sound. It worked.

She removed the gauntlet to see if it stopped permanently but it went back to making the loud sound. Pearl thought of an idea. She bubbled the stone.

Steven Universe AU by: Samuel152Where stories live. Discover now