Chapter 9: Ocean Gem

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"Ocean Gem" but written differently.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Steven woke up and went to the bathroom to wash up. Last night, he didn't because he was still a bit shaken from Lapis escaping and telling him that he couldn't trust the gems. He already doesn't trust them, nothing personal, but did they do something to Lapis?

He doesn't quite know at the moment. He tried turning the sink on but no water came out.

(Steven) What?

He turned it off and back on but still no water.

(Steven) Did Dad forget to pay the water bill again?

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and went outside to head over to the carwash to find his father. But he didn't need to do that since his dad and every resident of Beach City was at the boardwalk, staring at the ocean but no ocean was there. He ran over to the crowd and went to his dad.

(Greg) Steven, I was just about to get you.

(Steven) Whats going on?

(Greg) The oceans gone. This morning when I woke up to take a shower, no water came out the faucet. At first, I thought I forgot to pay the bill but I already did. Then, when I was about to drive to the water place to see what was wrong, I noticed the ocean was missing.

(Steven) Don't worry, I think I know what to do. I'll get to the bottom of this.

(Greg) Alright.

Steven went back to the house with Greg following him. Before Steven said something to the gems, Garnet stopped him.

(Garnet) We know and saw. It was Lapis Lazuli. The gem you released from the mirror. She has the power to manipulate liquids so she is using Earth's water.

(Steven) What for?

(Pearl) We don't know. She could be doing anything with it. What we do know is that if we don't get the water back soon, humanity will fall.

(Steven) Any idea where it could be?

(Garnet) I sense where it can be. I know where to go.

(Greg) Great. We can use my van so we don't travel on foot.

(Steven) Not enough room for all of us. I'll take Lion.

(Garnet) I'll be on top of the van.

(Greg) You sure?

(Garnet) Yes. Besides, I needed to lie down anyway.

(Amethyst) Alrighty then, road trip!

5 minutes later

The gang got their gear and was heading out. Garnet was resting on top of the van, like she said. Greg was going driving at a steady pace so she doesn't fall off.

They traveled very far, up mountains, through dark forests, and finally they reached their destination. They knew what it was since Garnet pointed it out.

(Garnet) There.

There was a giant pillar made of water. This was Lapis.

(Amethyst) Whoa...

(Steven) I've never seen anything like this...

(Greg) Guys, I just had the best idea for an album cover...

Steven hopped off of Lion got closer to the pillar.

(Pearl) I don't understand. What does she want with the ocean?

Stevem noticed that there was still fish in the water as well as coral, reef, and everything else you can find in an ocean.

(Steven) Lapis is controlling the water and using her ability to form and shape it into a pillar. She needs it for something.

Steven Universe AU by: Samuel152Where stories live. Discover now