Chapter 22: In the Barn

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"Same Old World", "Barn Mates", & a little bit from "Hit the Diamond" but written differently.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Peridot was explaining everything that happened with the drill to the gems. Steven was watching over Lapis while she was still unconscious.

(Garnet) I see you're worried about your friend.

(Steven) What exactly happened on the island?

(Garnet) Lapis spent an unbearable amout of time fused with Jasper. The emotional and physical strain of that type of fusion, I can't imagine. She's gonna need a lot of time to recover. Come on, I'm dying to hear about what happened underground.


Steven spent most of the day at the barn to wait for Lapis to wake up. He wanted to make sure if she was alright. He heard a noise in the barn, she was awake.

Steven opened the barn doors to see Lapis about to fly out of hole in the barn that was caused from Peridot about 4 days ago.

(Steven) Lapis?

(Lapis) Steven!

She was surprised.

(Steven) you're... leaving.

(Lapis) I have to, Steven. I don't belong on Earth, not with the Crystal Gems. I never have.

(Steven) It's okay. I understand.

(Lapis) I figured you would. After all, they don't really see you as one of them.

She took a few steps to fly but stopped before she took off.

(Lapis) Steven... thank you. Goodbye again.

(Steven) Goodbye.

She flew into the sky, back into space.

In the morning.

Steven and the gems were about to go back to the Temple. Peridot insisted on staying in the barn.

(Steven) Are you sure you don't want to live in the Temple?

(Peridot) No thanks. I've grown accustomed to this place and I should probably fix the hole that I made.

(Steven) Okay, have fun redecorating.

The gems were ready to go.

(Steven) You guys go ahead, I'll catch up later.

Steven was looking for Lion. He looked around for the pink feline. During his search, he found... Lapis?

She was up high on top of a pillar that is next to the barn. Steven climbed up the ladder. When he reached the top, he stood behind Lapis.

(Steven) I thought you left.

(Lapis) I was leaving. But then I realized I've got nowhere to go. Who knows what they'd do to me back home after what I did to Jasper. I can't go back to Homeworld, and I can't stay here.

(Steven) You can.

(Lapis) What?

(Steven) You can stay here. It doesn't specifically have to be here, in this area. You can live anywhere. I can show you around.

(Lapis) Really?

(Steven) Yes. We can find you a new place to live. I can show you the nearby locations.

(Lapis) Okay, let's go look.

She got behind him to wrap her arms around him so she has a grip on him.

Steven Universe AU by: Samuel152Where stories live. Discover now