Chapter 29: Homeworld Savior

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Thanks to OliverTheEGirl and HowardTheAwesome1 for sparing me a very long brainstorm and helping me get a base idea for what this chapter is about. Follow them if you want, they deserve the credit for 25% of this Chapter.

"Change Your Mind" But written almost entirely differently.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Steven had prepared for the biggest fight in his life. Spent the last three days of training, more extreme and intense than usual. Steven had thought of a bright idea that he is going to share with the gems.

Instead of waiting on Homeworld to bring the fight to them, they bring the fight to Homeworld. It's risky, yes, but the element of surprise could tip the scales and give them the edge they need. If they are careful and fast, they could win the fight before Homeworld doesn't even know what hit them.

The only way this could go wrong is if they get caught on Homeworld, they slip up, or they already on their way to Earth. The sooner they do this, the better. Steven came into the livingroom with the other gems.

(Steven) Am I interrupting something?

(Pearl) No, we were discussing about our defenses against Homeworld. Do you have any ideas?

(Steven) I do have an idea but not about the defenses.

(Amethyst) What?

(Steven) We bring the fight to Homeworld.

Everyone went silent. Pearl spoke,

(Pearl) Steven, that's not a good idea.

(Steven) It's better if we take the fight to Homeworld. We can take defeat them before they even knew what hit them.

(Garnet) Theres too many to fight, Steven. It's better to fight them here on Earth. We have preparation time.

(Steven) If theres too many to fight, what's the point fighting them here than on Homeworld? Where we can use the element of surprise as well as they won't expect us to be there.

(Garnet) We're not going.

(Amethyst) Hey, listen. Why don't we vote on what we do next? We are a team, afterall.

(Pearl) That's a good idea. Who wants to stay here on Earth and defend it from Homeworld?

Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst raised their hands.

(Pearl) Those who agree with Steven?

Steven, obviously, raised his hand. Bismuth stands next to him.

(Bismuth) Steven's idea makes sense. I mean, Homeworld could be planning in their attack on Earth but if we get in their turf and attack without them knowing, we can get through their forces and defeat the Diamonds. With that suit, Steven has become almost unstoppable. We have trained for about anything so I think we can handle it.

She raised her hand. Peridot stood next to Steven.

(Peridot) Steven's plan is very tactical and risky. But if we want to protect the Earth, we gotta fight and with Homeworld, they could put us in rough decisions on Earth. But on Homeworld, we just gotta get through them carefully and fast. Besides, some of us know what's on Homeworld. We should succeed if we put enough effort in this plan.

She raised her hand.

(Peridot) It's a tie.

(Garnet) No, it's not. 4 against 3. Ruby and Sapphire chose to stay on Earth. I'm sorry Steven but it's safer if we stayed on Earth.

Steven Universe AU by: Samuel152Where stories live. Discover now