Chapter 6: Sugilite

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"Coach Steven" but written differently.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Its been about two weeks since Steven discovered the lion and has found the items from the saddle. Pearl and Steven haven't been are good terms with each other since then but now they're slowly going back to how it used to be. Today, they're in some area looking at tall, bright pillars.

(Steven) What is this place?

(Pearl) This was once a communication hub for gem kind. But lately, its begun transmitting bursts of electromagnetic interference.

(Steven) So it's harming television. How do we destroy it?

(Amethyst) We're gonna need a Steven *this* big!

She shapeshifted into a bigger and stronger verison of Steven and started punching one of the pillars, only breaking a tiny chip of it.

(Pearl) Amethyst, we could be here all day taking out each of these pillars individually.

(Amethyst) Ugh, I hate it when you're right. You get this look on your face.

She noticed Pearl's smirk.

(Amethyst) Yeah, that's the one.

(Pearl) What we need is a well-thought-out plan--

(Garnet) No. What we need is Sugilite. Amethyst, fuse with me.

(Amethyst & Pearl) What?!

(Amethyst) (squeals in excitement) Yeah! Lets mash it up!

(Steven) Sugilite?

(Amethyst) Oh, yeah! Steven never seen fusion before. Its where two gems literally combine themselves together into one!

(Steven) I'm not sure I like it.

(Amethyst) Its not as bad as you think. Just watch. Sugilite is a fusion of me and Garnet. Bigger! Badder! Better!

(Pearl) Wait! Garnet, think about this. You and Amethyst can be a little unstable when your personalities combine. We need to be careful. Fuse with me instead.

(Garnet) We don't need to be careful. We just need to be huge.

(Amethyst) Oh, yeah! Lets wreck this joint!

Steven started walking backwards until he was 5 yards away from Garnet and Amethyst.

(Garnet) Synchronize.

She started dancing while her gems were glowing. Amethyst was dancing while her gem was glowing as well. They combined into each other like Amethyst predicted and then became a giant.

(Sugilite) (Laughs) I forgot how great it feels to be me.

(Steven) So, you're Sugilite?

(Sugilite) You got it, baby. Hey, Steven, want to see something cool?

(Steven) Sure.

He was unsure about his answer because he doesn't know what she considers to be "cool". She summoned Garnet's gauntlets and combined them into one giant fist and had Amethyst's whip attached to it and creating a wrecking ball.

(Sugilite) You like that, little man? Now, where should I start?

(Steven) I don't care. Just destroy them.

(Sugilite) Okay then.

She started swinging the wrecking ball and demolished three pillars. Pearl was nervous while Steven was watching the destruction. Debris started falling towards them.

Steven Universe AU by: Samuel152Where stories live. Discover now