Chapter 30: Spinel

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Steven Universe: The Movie but written differently and no songs (Since it's in the "Musical Category").

3rd Person P.O.V.

2 months after the day Steven liberated Homeworld. Construction on Little Homeworld is complete. It was finished yesterday.

Steven, Pearl, Garnet, Amethyst, Lapis, Peridot, and Bismuth spent most of their time on Little Homeworld. It was slow, boring, and hard but worth it. Gems were really excited about the news.

So here's a recap on our characters:

Garnet has gotten married... with herself. For context, Ruby and Sapphire got married.

Pearl has learned how to play musical instruments with Greg. She shows ultimate potential but have trouble pronouncing the names.

Amethyst has became inspirational for gems that Homeworld used to call "Defective" and "Off Colored". She has shown them that being those things are okay because it means they're unique and special.

Peridot has upgraded some of the technology on Little Homeworld with Earth's technology but better.

Lapis has gotten better at trusting others and becoming less fearful of Homeworld.

Speaking of Peridot and Lapis, they've been bonding a lot more than usual lately, Garnet winks at them whenever she sees them (under her visor so they can't see it).

Bismuth has gotten over her anger with Rose Quartz and the Diamonds. She also respects Steven's way of dealing with gems.

Speaking of Steven, about nothing has changed about him. Ever since he was dubbed as "Homeworld Savior", he was treated like he was a Diamond but he refuses to be set that high in standards. He perfers to be treated as a common individual but that never happens so he used to be treated like god.

His temper has gotten better over time. He has been out of practice in terms of combat since he hasn't trained in quite some time. No reason to because there's no one to fight.

Era 3, what Homeworld calls this new alliance with Earth, is working for Homeworld perfectly while Earth is like "Meh". There are gems who oppose to it but nobody has came to Steven or the Diamonds about it. Steven was in his house this morning, getting ready for the day.

Nobody was in the house, they must've left early. He went downstairs to find one of his books he hasn't finished yet. He reads for a few minutes until he heard a huge crash outside.

He goes out the door to see what happened. He saw some sort of machine entering the atmosphere.

 He saw some sort of machine entering the atmosphere

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It was an injector, not anything he seen before. He knew this was a gem situation, just a hunch. He went to get his armor and ready to go to that area.

He wonders if the gems saw that.

10 minutes later

Steven got to the Lighthouse, no one was here. He didn't see the gems on his way so they probably didn't see the injector yet.

Steven Universe AU by: Samuel152Where stories live. Discover now