Chapter 10: Warp Tour

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"Warp Tour" but written differently.

3rd Person P.O.V.


Steven snapped awake. Another one of his nightmares again.

(Steven) Third time this week...

He got up and got himself ready for the day. He walked downstairs to see what the gems were up to.

(Amethyst) Morning Steven. We're getting ready to go on a mission! Wanna come?

(Steven) Sure.

He followed them onto the Warp Pad and it warped them to the location.

After the mission

They were heading back onto the Warp Pad to go home.

(Pearl) I can't believe that went so well.

(Amethyst) That was kind of great when you hit it with your spear and it went like "bing, boing, pkwww!"

(Pearl) And the way you were circling around it, almost looked like strategy.

(Amethyst) (Chuckles) Well, you know, I can do that stuff, too.

Steven and Garnet were behind them.

(Garnet) I believe you did well, too.

(Steven) We all did well.

(Garnet) If you say so.

They stepped on the Warp Pad to warp home. The Warp activated and was at the process of warping them.

(Amethyst) Man, you two should've seen it! It was moving like this.

She started moving crazily to emphasize how fast it moved but accidentally pushed Steven out of the Warp Pad.

(Garnet) Steven!

Steven saw what it looked like beyond the warp. It was dark, cold, and silent. It almost looked like outer space. Steven saw the blue line of the warp they were using but also saw another one.

Who else was using another warp? It can't be Lapis because she left Earth and Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst were all in one warp. Pearl said only gems can use the Warps.

Is there another gem on this planet somewhere else? Steven was yanked back into the Warp Stream by Garnet.

(Pearl) Careful. It's dangerous to stick your body out of the stream.

(Garnet) Theres not much air, and its very cold.

(Steven) I saw something out there.

(Amethyst) What'd ya find?

(Steven) Something was warping out there.

(Pearl) That's not possible. Is your vision blurry from the lack of oxygen you just received?

(Steven) I can see just fine. I know what I saw.

(Garnet) There's nothing out there, Steven. There hasn't been anything else for a long, long time.


It was night and Steven was in bed but staring at the ceiling. He couldn't sleep. Its either because of what he saw at the Warp or from his nightmare again from last night. Suddenly, a blue lught illuminated towards his direction which forced him out of his thoughts.

(Steven) Amethyst, what are you doing?

It was Amethyst opening the fridge. She was wating something in there.

Steven Universe AU by: Samuel152Where stories live. Discover now