Flashback Chapter
Original Chapter
3rd Person P.O.V.
Greg had Steven get ready to meet the woman he spoke about at the concert. He said her name is Rose Quartz, It's a strange name. Though, Steven wouldn't judge her on her name.
Greg said she and her friends were living at the cave entrance of the mountain they live next to. A bit weird to live in but he's lived in worse places. He and Greg were on their way over there.
(Greg) Okay, Steven, so Rose and her friends are nothing you've seen before. I mean, they're nice but they don't look like any of person.
(Steven) I'm certain I'm prepared for it.
(Greg) I hope so.
They got to the area. Greg spoke out,
(Greg) Rose? Rose, I brought Steven. The person I mentioned last night. The human whose the exact height as me.
(Steven) Is she shy?
(Greg) Little bit. But she's really enthusiastic.
What confused him is when he said "human". Why would he say that? Isn't she a human? Before he spoke to Greg about it, he bumps into someone.
(Rose Quartz) Hello.
Steven turns around and saw her. She looks exactly what she looks like last time he saw her. Now that he got a good look at her, she looks a little bit like Phoebe.
Except Phoebe never wore white dresses, had pink hair, and wasn't 8 feet tall.
(Rose Quartz) You must be Steven. Greg's offspring.
(Steven) Not biologically. But, I guess you could say that. I take it, you're Rose Quartz?
(Rose Quartz) Indeed.
He noticed her stomach had some sort of rock, a pink rock.
(Rose Quartz) Is something the matter?
(Steven) No... It's just that thing in your stomach area.
(Rose Quartz) Oh, you mean my gem. Why, do you not like it?
(Steven) No, it's just strange...
Greg got close to Steven and whispered in his ear.
(Greg) Did I mention that they aren't human?
(Steven) No.
To be honest, this sounds like something that would happen on a TV show, or a movie, or a book. Steven was keeping calm in this situation.
(Rose Quartz) It's nice to meet another human. Greg has spoke about you before. Said you were tough and brilliant.
(Steven) Those do sound like the qualities I have.
(Greg) Where's your friends?
(Rose Quartz) Oh, they're in the Temple. They said they wouldn't be interested in one human.
(Steven) Fine by me.
(Rose Quartz) But he also said that you would be a great member of our team.
(Steven) Team? What team?
(Rose Quartz) The Crystal Gems. We fight for the planet's independence.
(Steven) From whom?
(Rose Quartz) Our home world. It is a very bad place, we fought for this planet because of the beauty of life it contains. And you're one of them.
Steven Universe AU by: Samuel152
Science FictionThis AU (Alternative Universe) is about Steven who is 100% Human, not 50%. He also is still with the Crystal Gems, who don't really like him, on missions and stuff. This is basically the entire seires but with Steven as a full human (Spoilers to tho...