Chapter 36: Deployment

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Original Chapter

3rd Person P.O.V.

Steven was still recovering from the beating he was given about 3 days ago. Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst was discussing about what was the next move.

(Garnet) We need to find Jasper's base so we can invade it and defeat them. Otherwise they'll keep coming back stronger until they get what they want.

(Amethyst) What is their objective?

(Garnet) My guess is to rebuild Era-2. Though, this whole rebellion could be that she has a bone to pick with us, especially Steven. She is known to resort to anything to get what she wants.

(Pearl) Her last encounter with him nearly hospitalized him. He's not like us.

(Amethyst) No dip. What can we do now?

(Garnet) Right now, we stay alert and ready for another assault. Little Homeworld is under lockdown for the safety of innocent gems until this rebellion is dealt with. We also need to keep an eye on Steven so he can recover properly. Peridot and Spinel are taking shifts to watch over him while he rests. He should be back on his feet at the end of the week. What we need to do is request some deployment of Homeworld's best defenses so we can defend Little Homeworld and the Temple.

(Pearl) Bismuth is upgrading our weapons and creating a weapon for Spinel. Lapis is checking the skies and would give us a warning if they're coming back. We should be fine up until Steven recovers. I'll go to Homeworld and request the deployment.

(Garnet) Me and Amethyst will make room for the defense.

(Amethyst) All right, good talk team. Let's go.

They went to do what they need to do.

Back to Steven.

(Peridot) Steven, do you need anything? Food, water, anything?

(Steven) No, I'm good.

(Peridot) You sure? You haven't ate in over 2 days.

(Steven) Yes.

(Peridot) Okay...

[Awkward Silence]

(Peridot) So... Do you want to know that latest of what's going on?

(Steven) Sure.

He sits up. He rubs his head.

(Peridot) So, Bismuth is updating the other's weapons and creating a brand new one for Spinel. Lapis is making sure we aren't getting caught unaware like last time. And the others are getting defenses to protect Little Homeworld and here. That's basically it. They said we shouldn't get caught unaware like last time.

(Steven) Good.


(Spinel) [Behind door] Peridot, it's my turn.

(Peridot) All right. See you later, Steven.

She opened the door and Spinel jumped in and sat down on Steven's workbench, luckily he hasn't worked on anything for awhile so it's empty.

(Spinel) Hiya, Stevie. How's your head?

(Steven) Better.

(Spinel) So, do ya need anything?

(Steven) I'm fine at the moment.

Spinel was bored now.

(Spinel) So, you wanna talk?

(Steven) About what?

(Spinel) I dunno. Anything.

(Steven) I do actually want to ask you something but I'm not sure if you're comfortable to answer it.

(Spinel) It's okay, you can ask me anything.

(Steven) I wanted to know... why did you wanted to kill me?

(Spinel) Huh?

(Steven) I just wanted to know your reason. I figured it was because I changed Homeworld.

Spinel was silent.

(Steven) I'm sorry, I retract my question.

(Spinel) No, I just wasn't expecting that. I'll answer it.

She cleared her throat, even though she doesn't have one.

(Spinel) When that message was sent to all communications, I thought I was hallucinating and my mind was playing tricks on me. Until it repeated itself. I-I felt lost... Pink Diamond was "shattered" and ran away to her planet as a new gem. And sh-she told me that she would come back... 6000 years ago. She said I should wait and I did. I felt like I lost my purpose. Whenever a gem lost their purpose, they either got shattered or moved to a new Diamond. I was scared to go back because I thought, "Who would want a spinel who did her job poorly?". So, instead of going back to let them do that, I was going to do it myself... (sniffs) I thought it was going take the pain away and I did... until I reformed and discovered that I missed... I-I w-was so angry and sad that I couldn't even shatter myself correctly. Then, I listened to that message again and again until I memorized it. I felt vengeful... then I heard about you... Steven Universe: Homeworld Savior. A hero that saves everyone. I-I was angry from hearing that. I asked myself "If he's such a great hero, then why didn't he save me? Why wasn't I saved?". S-so I thought I had to punish you... (chuckles) I hardly knew you and I wanted to kill you... Of course, I couldn't just attack you, I needed something to use against you since you're quite a fighter. So I spent 2 months getting the injector, the poison, and the rejuvenator, and learning everything about you.

(Steven) Learning everything about me?

(Spinel) Y-yeah. I sorta watched you for weeks and watched you sleep and learn so many things. And other gems were spreading the news and telling stories about you. I basically stalked you. Then, when I had everything, I just took the injector and was coming for you. My main goal was to show you that there was no such thing as a hero that saves everyone. When I first heard about you, I thought you were going to be one of those heroes who do heroic things for glory and notoriety. But after spending a day with you, you proved me wrong.

She lets a single tear down her face.

(Spinel) (giggles) It's funny.

(Steven) What?

(Spinel) When I was upset and anrgy, I wanted someone to take me seriously. When I got here, the gems didn't, especially Pearl. Out of everyone, you were the first who took me seriously, and I was wanting to kill you. (Chuckles) I was so blind by my anger that I didn't notice until you talked to me on the injector. I was so stupid.

(Steven) You weren't stupid, you were just hurt badly.

(Spinel) Y'know that's what I like about you. If I insult myself, you tell me that I'm wrong. You always make it seem like I'm not guilty of anything, and I don't even deserve it.

(Steven) Pink was responsible for leaving you behind like that. You were told to stay, which means that what happened wasn't your fault. Pink did so many things that were executed poorly.

(Spinel) You're right...

They haven't said anything for a little bit. Then, she spoke again,

(Spinel) Thank you...

(Steven) You're welcome...

End of Chapter 36

Steven Universe AU by: Samuel152Where stories live. Discover now