Chapter 7: Water Fountain

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"An Indirect Kiss" But written differently.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Steven and Connie scheduled a litlte pinic. This was for them to catch up since its been awhile since they seen each other and to help Connie if she needed some help. Steven rode Lion to Connie's house to pick her up and he took her to the Lighthouse.

Connie brought her homework and a picnic basket with some sandwiches and healthy snacks. Once they arrived there, they settled down and Connie got out a sandwich. She got another one out and tried to give it to Steven.

(Steven) No thanks, not hungry at the moment.

(Connie) O-okay. So, hows your life with the gems? I heard its been rough last time we spoke.

(Steven) We've had a couple of rough days for a while now. Hopefully, everything is settling for awhile.

(Connie) Would you mind telling me about your recent adventure? I'm quite interested.

(Steven) Well, I wouldn't say if it was an adventure or mission. More like a close call.

(Connie) What happened?

(Steven) See that fence?

He pointed at the recently established picket fence. Connie nodded while eating her sandwich.

(Steven) It was a couple of days ago...


Amethyst was horsing around near the cliff by the Lighthouse.

(Steven) Amethyst.

(Amethyst) Yeah?

(Steven) You should get away from the edge. You could fall.

(Amethyst) Heh, why you getting so worked up? What, do you care about me or something?

She mocked while giving him a goofy-looking face.

(Steven) I'm advising you to step away from the edge before you hurt yourself.

(Amethyst) Hurt myself? Please. I lived for thousands of years fighting a war and you're worried about me falling?

(Steven) Yes.

(Amethyst) Aw, I didn't mean to make you-- whoa, whoa, whoa!

She balanced herself with one leg as she pretend that she was about to fall off.

(Steven) Amethyst!

(Amethyst) (Singsong voice) Steven, I'm gonna fall!

(Steven) Amethyst, you're going to fall.

Finally, Amethyst stopped playing around and started talking to him.

(Amethyst) Steven, please. I'm a gem warrior. I'm not ginna fa-- aah!

The edge she was standing on broke and she started falling down below.

(Steven) Amethyst!

Amethyst was unfazed by falling but felt humiliated.

(Amethyst) Ugh, this is so embarrassing.

She fell on top of a rock, gem first. Steven jumped down and landed on his feet in the sand.

(Steven) Amethyst.

(Amethyst) I'm okay!

(Steven) Are you sure?

(Amethyst) Yes, Steven. I'm fine, except for this!

She removed her hair out of her left eye and it revealed that her left eye was bigger than her right eye, like a googly eye.

Steven Universe AU by: Samuel152Where stories live. Discover now