Chapter 40: Schemes

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Original Chapter

3rd Person P.O.V.

Jasper was in a chair, brainstorming her next move. She knew a direct assault was pointless since it didn't work last time and she lost quite a handful of soldiers. She didn't like to wait very long because she knew the longer she waits, the more time Steven has to heal and prepare for her next attack.

Yesterday, she recruited a few more soldiers who worked for a gem named Emerald. She was a former captain of Yellow Diamond's army. She didn't like Era-3.

Jasper offered her a use of her captain rank and a way to get her revenge on who was responsible for Era-3. She had her soldiers working under Jasper's command but Emerald also had them under her command, too. An amethyst burst into the room.

(Rebel) Jasper!

(Jasper) What?

(Rebel) Our peridots discovered an unknown injector outside the ship.

(Jasper) Unknown injector? What does it look like?

(Rebel) It's huge and has some pink substance in it.

(Jasper) Have Emerald take a look at it.


(Jasper) Well?

(Emerald) Well, it's a custom injector and a specific gem can control it.

(Jasper) Can you trace the gem?

(Emerald) Let me see...

She adjust the controls on her monitor and she got the answer.

(Emerald) It's a spinel.

(Jasper) Which one?

(Emerald) Facet 2K19, cut S03.

(Jasper) Show me an image.

Emerald projected the image.

(Jasper) I've seen her before. She's that little punk who stopped me from pounding Steven to the dirt. She controls that injector?

(Emerald) Apparently.

(Jasper) Hmm. What is the substance inside the injector?

(Emerald) Bio Poison. A pure element made to eleminate organic life.

(Jasper) Okay, if we could control her, I think we'll be able to kill that planet and Steven.

(Emerald) Actually, I had something prepare for an occasion like this.

(Jasper) What is it?

(Emerald) It's a collar that is made to control a gem's behavior. How it works is I sync the collar to a gem, then I put it on another gem and that gem will act like the gem the collar is sync to but with their own personality.

(Jasper) Okay, lead an assault but target that spinel and bring her to me.

On Earth

Steven was walking again, with Peridot and Spinel by his side incase he stumbles.

(Steven) I'm fine, you don't need to be so close to me.

(Peridot) What if you trip?

(Spinel) Or lose your balence?

(Steven) Just because today is the day I can walk around again, doesn't mean I'm going to fall. I'm fine, really.

(Spinel) You sure? I don't want you falling.

(Steven) Yes.

They step a few feet away from him, giving him some space to move freely. He's walking normally. After a few minutes of walking, Steven spoke,

Steven Universe AU by: Samuel152Where stories live. Discover now