Chapter 19: Answers

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Three episodes. "Catch and Release", "When it Rains", and "Back to the Barn" but written almost entirely different.

3rd Person P.O.V.

After Peridot's recent escape from the gems from yesterday, there was no more bad blood between Pearl and Garnet. They can still track Peridot using the Warp Pads but the tracker hasn't gone off in a while. Peirdot knows they can track her so she's trying to avoid the Warps to cover her tracks.

Wherever she went, she knows the Warps are a necessity to her, if she wants to escape the planet. It was getting dark and the gems were in the temple while Steven was in the livingroom. He was about to go to bed but the tracker went off.

He got up to warn the gems about the tracker.

At the location

Peridot was quickly trying to find a place to hide. It was hard to navigate when you have no foot. She was scared, she didn't want to be on this planet anymore.

She has nothing left to help her escape. Her robonoids are gone, Jasper is gone, the ship was gone, and the Homeworld Warp Pad was damaged again. She clearly lost hope of escaping.

She fell on her knees and waited for the gems arrive so they can put her out of her misery. The gems were here.

(Pearl) There she is.

Peridot didn't move. No one got close to her in case she was planning on ambushing them. Steven was the only one who was getting close to her but cautious with every step he took.

(Steven) Peridot?

Steven noticed she wasn't doing anything, other than huddling herself. Steven held up his fist, a sign language for the gems to cease attack.

(Steven) Peridot?

(Peridot) Just shatter me already...

(Steven) What?

(Peridot) Just do it so you and those clods can get your standing ovation. Savor it because it'll be your last.

(Steven) What are you talking about?

(Peridot) Oh nothing... Just make it quick...

(Steven) No, I want to know what you're saying. What do you mean "It'll be your last"?

(Peridot) There's a bioweapon incubating inside the planet. It'll eventually destory everything on it and turn it into a crater.

(Steven) How do we stop it?

(Peridot) (laughs) You can't. You'll only delay the inevitable.

(Steven) Do you know how to stop it?

(Peridot) Why should I tell you? It's not like it would make a difference, even if I am willing to tell you.

(Steven) How about we negotiate?

(Peridot) What could you possibly have that I want?

(Steven) What do you want?

(Peridot) I want to go back to Homeworld.

(Steven) We can't exactly do that at the moment. This is what's going to happen: You help us with this bioweapon and we let you go back to Homeworld and you can't tell Homeworld about this or where we are.

Peridot took a moment to think.

(Peridot) How can I trust you?

(Steven) You don't but you can either help us or remain prisoner until you talk.

Steven Universe AU by: Samuel152Where stories live. Discover now