Chapter 28: Identity

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"Rasing The Barn", "Can't Go Back", & "A Single Pale Rose" but written differently.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Steven is checking on Peridot and Lapis, they haven't been seen for the past week so Steven was making sure they're alright and to explain to them what happened yesterday. He hasn't seen Peridot or Lapis since he had defeated Jasper and deceived the rubies and that was two weeks ago. He made it to the Barn and saw Peridot and Lapis watching their favorite VHS.

(Peridot & Lapis) Steven!

They both jump down to talk to him.

(Lapis) Steven, it's good to see you. Where have you been?

(Peridot) Yeah, last time we saw you, you were going to the moon. How was that, by the way?

(Steven) The moon mission turned out okay. A little while after that, I was kidnapped by Blue Diamond, then I returned to Earth on the same day. I got kidnapped again yesterday by a Aquamarine and a Topaz fusion.

(Peridot & Lapis) What?!

(Peridot) Wait a minute, Blue Diamond was here?

(Lapis) And she kidnapped you?

(Steven) Yes.

(Peridot) Where did she take you?

(Steven) The Human Zoo.

(Lapis) Oh, stars...

(Peridot) And you were recently taken by a Aquamarine and Topaz fusion?

(Steven) Yes.

(Lapis) We need to leave. Now!

(Peridot) We can't leave! What about all our crops?

(Lapis) The vegetables will have to deal, besides, we don't need to eat.

(Steven) Hold on, why are you leaving?

(Lapis) Steven, you just broken so many Homeworld laws. That Aquamarine and Topaz are Yellow and Blue Diamond's personal guard. What was their objective?

(Steven) At first, it was to collect more humans for the Zoo. But I stopped them and they were going to take us instead but I gave myself up as a informant of the location of Rose Quartz and they were going to "escort" me to the Diamonds for interrogation.

(Lapis) Do you have any idea what trouble you just created?! When they get back to Homeworld without you, they'll inform the Diamonds and they'll send in more troops to get you! Heck, they might come in themselves personally, and shatter all of us! War is coming!

(Steven) Then we'll fight. This is what the rebellion is for.

(Lapis) I'm not going to get caught up in another war. I won't do it!

(Steven) You don't have to get involved. You can just hide in the barn.

(Lapis) Steven, have you lost your mind?! Homeworld outnumbers all of us by billions. Once they dealt with you and the others, they'll conquer the planet and destroy it. This whole planet is a target!

(Steven) Lapis--

(Lapis) No! I'm not going to be here when it happens...

She get to the barn entrance.

(Lapis) Peridot, come on.

(Peridot) Uh... Lapis...

(Lapis) What?

(Peridot) I... I agree with Steven.

(Lapis) What?

(Peridot) What he's saying makes sense. The Crystal Gems was formed to rid Homeworld of it's tyranny. Yeah there's going to be war and the possibility of us winning is low, but not impossible. Think of the good that could happen if we win. Our chances of succeeding are higher when we have more gems to help us. There's Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet, Steven, Me, Bismuth, and you. Seven of us vs Homeworld. I know it's far fetched but, we live on on this planet and we like it more than what Homeworld was. Doesn't that mean we should fight for it?

Steven Universe AU by: Samuel152Where stories live. Discover now