Chapter 2

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Y/N's eyes fluttered open and the sound of birds chirping happily caught his attention as he turned his head to the side and saw a man probably in his twenties sitting on a floor with a crow on his lap

"I see you've awoken" he said turning his attention to the boy who's slowly sitting up

He looked around his surroundings and was mesmerized at wisteria tree, he stood up and slowly approached the man

Noticing this Kagaya reached out his hand towards the boy, he knows where this kid belongs too and aware that he will probably look for him

Y/N stared at the hand for a minute contemplating whether he would grab it.. Hesitantly he placed his hand on top of kagaya's.

He felt warm and safe when he felt his hand engulfed his smaller ones, he felt happy.

He never felt this whenever he's with his father, he was always scared and feeling unsafe whenever he's around him, but this man made him feels safe.

"What's your name?" Kagaya asked

The boy sat down beside him and looked up the sky, the sun was up and he's still there alive and breathing.

He conquered the sun since he's a half human, his mother was a human and was too in love with his father oblivious to the fact that he's only using her.

"Y/N.." he muttered.

"K-kibutsuji Y/N.." he shakily answered, the thought of being a son of someone so cruel make him hate himself

"Why was I even born?!"

He kept asking himself

"And I am Kagaya Ubuyashiki, my children calls me Oyakata-Sama." he smiled

"Can I call you father?" he slapped a hand on his mouth after letting those words out, Kagaya chuckled and looked at him

"I don't mind at all." this brought smile to y/n's lips, he was given a second chance to have a father who's gonna take care of him and that's for sure

But soon his smile turned into a frown, Kagaya noticed the sudden change of y/n's aura and tighten his grip to his hand

"Thank you...thank you for not leaving me to die, thank you.." he sobbed, the feeling of kagaya's hand slowly patting his back calms him down

Without any hesitation he wrapped his arms around his torso, kagaya was surprised at first but let the child hugged him whilst patting his head that made y/n to fall asleep


Night came and y/n remained inside the estate while being taken care of Amane, kagaya's wife

The child was busy looking outside the window of his room thinking about tomorrow since kagaya, his new father told him that he will meet the hashira's

At the age of twelve he have a mental capability of an adult since his 'father' forced him to act like an adult

He had a rough childhood by the hands of his father, sure he gets to play with some uppermoons but it wasn't enough to satisfy him.

He sighed and Laid down on his futon that they provided for him, he pushed all the negative thoughts away and hope for the better when tomorrow comes.

Waking up because of a noisy crow wasn't that bad, he was annoyed yet happy at the same time

Now standing beside oyakata-Sama was a [H/c] male with his crimson eyes staring down the floor too afraid to look at the eyes of the pillars

He can feel their intense stare towards him, he understand them all too well.

He's a demon after all and not to mention the son of the demon they loathe the most, Muzan Kibutsuji

He slowly hide himself behind oyakata-Sama too shy and afraid to face them

"Now, Everyone I want you to meet Y/N." oyakata-Sama stepped aside and revealed the Twelve years old boy who's playing with his yukata

The pillars seemed to be confused as to why the child seemed scared

"Oyakata-Sama pardon me but... Is he a demon?" A male with scars on his face asked causing y/n's body to stiffened

"Let him answer." oyakata-sama said softly

Y/n was panicking inside, what if they kill him? What if they hate him and bring him back to his father- no that's impossible... But..

He was cut off when suddenly he was shoved inside the estate with brute force, a cold metal pressed against his neck

It was the same guy who asked if he was a demon.

"Sanemi." oyakata-sama said sternly

"Forgive me Oyakata-sama, but i need to make sure that this filthy creature right here won't do any harm to you and the people that surrounds him." he said pressing the blade deeper causing some blood to gushed out the kid's neck

"S-shinzugawa-san...he's only a child." a female with pink and green hair that goes at the end of her hair spoke

"I don't give a fuck, he's a demon! Our enem-" Sanemi was cut off when suddenly y/n pushed him with all his might sending him back to the pillars

Y/n went back behind oyakata-sama, holding on the hems of his white haori.

Oyakata-sama sensed the fear in y/n and this made him frown, y/n was no threat.

Sanemi stood up and was about to charge when suddenly he was stopped by iguro the serpent pillar

"Let the pest speak." he said

This was scarier than being tortured by his father.

"Y/n, please introduce yourself." oyakata-sama said patting the boy's head

He slowly walked back in the front, his head hung low his eyes were being covered by his bangs

"I.. I'm Y-Y/n...a demon..I'm T-Twelve years old... And..the son of-" he was cut off when oyakata-sama stepped in front of him with a gentle smile

"I hope you all will treat him with kindness even tho he's a demon." oyakata-sama smiled before dismissing the hashiras

The two were now alone.

"why.. Why'd you stopped me?" y/n asked

"There are some things that aren't supposed to be said out loud and must remain unknown, you can tell them when you know you're ready since I can sense a strong hesitation in you." he said while looking up at the sky

Y/n nodded slowly and smiled, the feeling of being scared was now gone thanks to oyakata-sama or know as his now adoptive father.

But deep down he knows.. He'll come for him.

He is his son after all.

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