Chapter 15

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Third Person's POV

"Iguro-san, please stop it already!" No matter how many times Mitsuri begged for the serpent pillar to stop, iguro kept on slashing Y/n

The boy kept dodging all his attacks but sometimes would end up receiving a blow

"I told you...I'm not here to fight!" he said as he jumped back

"I said STOP!" Mitsuri screamed as she grabbed y/n by his ankle and pulled him down, his back hitting the ground creating a crack in the process

Iguro shivered at the sight yet felt proud at the same time, he was about to walk closer when Mitsuri stepped in front of y/n and glared at iguro with a pout

"What do you think you're doing?" iguro asked

"He said he meant no harm! He didn't fight you back! I know you hate him but please Iguro-san, can't you give him a second chance? I know he'd done some horrible things in the past but he wasn't the one who's making him do it!" she yelled

Y/n stared at her with wide eyes.

He can't believe what he's seeing right now, a pillar siding on him? A pillar the highest rank among the demon slayers is siding with a demon

"Get away from him, Can't you see? he's deceiving you! He have killed numbers of innocent human being! How can you side with someone who's nothing but a disgusting demon!?" Iguro asked, Mitsuri visibly flinched at his voice

"He's only a child! Can't you see?!" Misturi said as tears started to fall from her eyes

She doesn't want to argue with her former pillar, she hates fighting but seeing the twelve years old boy getting hurt like that made her heart sunk, she can't handle it.

"A demon is a demon, whether it's a child or not." Iguro said coldly

Mitsuri stared at him with disbelief, she can't think of a word to say since he's right

"Mitsuri-san..stop please, I appreciate everything you did but I hate seeing you fighting for a demon" she turned around and saw y/n Giving her a warm smile which made her heart hurt, he's too precious she can't afford seeing him in pain

Stepping in front he face the serpent pillar with a determined expression

"Just this time, I want to talk to oyakata-sama." he said

Iguro was about to disagree when he see the look mitsuri is giving him, he sighed and agreed

"Do something stupid and I'll cut off your head, understood?" Iguro threatened, Y/n nodded and started walking towards the estate Oyakata-sama is in

While walking he can't understand why he felt nervous, he never felt like this when the pillars saw him but the thought of meeting oyakata-sama once again made him somewhat hesitant

Standing in front of the estate he inhaled softly, his hands started shaking and misturi saw this and held his hand which tick iguro off

The door slid open and showed the wife of Oyakata-sama, her eyes widened as soon as it lands on the [H/C] male between the serpent and love pillar

She slowly approached him which made y/n more nervous than before

"is oyakata-sama inside? I.. I know I've made a huge mistake and.. I want to apologize for it, I understand if you don't want me here I can leave-" he was cut off when a pair of arms pulled him into a tight hug

"You've returned.." she said, tears started to form in Y/n's eyes as he returned the gesture

Amane pulled away and held his hand dragging him towards the room where oyakata-sama is

Sliding the door opened his eyes landed on a man lying down on a futon his face wrapped with bandages

His lips trembled at the sight in front of him, the disease have worsen he can no longer see his face, his eyes, and the smile that he loves to see

Tears poured out of his eyes like waterfalls, he fell onto his knees and pressed his head on the floor while muttering a tons of apologies

Kagaya heard him and even tho his face is covered in bandages he smiled, he knew that one day he'll return, and he did.

"Don't cry, child." he said

Y/n kept on sobbing beside him while bowing deeply

"I've made a huge mistake, I should've just stayed inside and never come out...he got me and took control of my body, he made me kill dozens of families and made me destroyed cities and villages." he confessed

Kagaya remained silent, Amane and the twins have left already leaving the two alone

The room was filled with calming silence, Y/n's sobs have died down and he was now sitting beside Kagaya who's lying down

His hand reached up to caressed the boy's face which startled y/n, his palm was warm and very calming, he smiled and leaned on the touch while holding it

Kagay felt him leaned to his touch, he smiled and caressed his face, just by touching it he can distinguish his features he can see what y/n looked like with his mind

Tho he can't see what his hair color or his skin tone but he was definitely sure his eyes as like Muzan's

The reason he made the pillars to bring Y/n to the headquarters was because he knew that Y/n wasn't safe in the hands of muzan, just by hearing the fear in y/n's voice when he first arrived made him pity him

Smiling, Kagaya pulled y/n to his chest and wrapped his arms around the boy who's completely surprised, Y/n went on sobbing once again after hearing the words Kagaya said to him

"Welcome home, Y/n"


I thought I published this already Lol, I'm such an idiot.

Anyways here's the chapter yall~

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