Chapter 10

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Third Person's POV

Y/n stood beside akaza who's currently kneeling in front of his father who's in his child form

"I've come to report lord muzan." Akaza said

Muzan flipped through the book he's holding

"did you find it?" he asked

Y/n wandered around the room, his fingers tracing every books, his eyes stopped in front a red book

He pulled it out, it has no title written on it, out of curiosity he flipped the book open he frowned, the letters were different which made it complicated to read

He closed it and placed it back to where it belong before going back to the two

"...I don't care if you killed a mere hashira, What I want is the Annihilation of the entire demon slayer corps so that they'll never get in my way nor my sight ever again! Is that too much to ask for?" His father asked causing for akaza to flinch

Y/n stood behind his father with a smirk as he looked down on akaza

His personality have fully changed, from a cheerful child to a Heartless demon

He's starting to care for the power only, he sees the other demon's as their pawns, and his father feels proud about it.

"Leave us." His father said, akaza disappeared within a second

Muzan turned to his son who's taller than him making him to look up, the smirk to y/n's lips grew wider upon seeing his father looking up to him

He feels stronger than everyone, he can feel the power running through his veins, he loves it, the pleasure he feels every time a human Screams and beg for their life to be spared, the praise his father gives him...

It was something he'll never get used to.

"Why are you here?" Muzan asked

Y/n placed his palm on top of his father's head and ruffled his hair, mocking him

His eyes widened when suddenly he got flipped over, a hand wrapped around his neck blocking his airways

His father stood above him with veins popping around his body, he's glaring at his son with pure rage

"Who do you think you are looking down at me?" he asked, his tone was calm but there was a hint of venom in them

Y/n grabbed his wrist and and grinned at him showing his fangs

"I'm your son, the demon you created and the demon who'll be the next king once the demon slayers kill you." he laughed causing for Muzan to tighten his grip almost snapping his son's neck

He pushed y/n away causing for the male to hit his back on a floor rather harshly

"Stop being so almighty, you should be grateful you're still alive or els-" Muzan was stopped by Y/n's laugh

"Or else what? You'll kill me? Threaten me? Hell..order your worthless demons to hunt me down? Stop being so cliché father- Oh my apologies Lord Muzan." he mocked

Muzan glared at Y/n, it was unusual for the [H/C] male to talked back to him, he was well aware that his sanity was now gone

Hearing those words coming from a twelve years old boy with pure determination made him feel proud yet worried

Proud that his son is now becoming his greatest weapon, worried about the possibility that he might turn his back against them knowing that y/n was now as strong as him

He balled his fist and turned around

"Leave." he ordered

"As you wish, my lord." Y/n bowed with a mocking smile before dissappearing

Muzan let go of the air he's holding in, he gritted his teeth in frustration.. He hate to admit it but he was slowly losing control over Y/n


Y/N was currently walking around a city with his hands behind him

He stumbled upon a shop Tha sells ohagi, he entered it making the bells clangs alerting the owner that a customer has entered

He smiled and waved at the person behind a table who's preparing a ohagi

He stood beside a customer who's currently buying one

"One ohagi, please" he smiled causing for the girl in front of him to blush

The customer beside him stiffened and turned their head towards Y/n, their eyes widened.




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