Chapter 6

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Day's had passed since the arrival of the kamaboko gang, they were currently under the Rehabilitation Training

Y/n who was currently on his way to visit them with a basket of onigiri he made with the help of the love pillar, kanroji

They we're slowly warming up to the child and so was he, they would sometimes greet him or walk with him while making a conversation

Sanemi and iguro were the only pillars who's not warming up to him which he understood why

Y/n also became great friends with the trio, tanjiro was like an older brother to him

Inosuke surprisingly did not challenged him into a fight, instead he challenged him into a eating competition which ended up with the both of them throwing up and being scolded by shinbou after

Zenitsu on the other hand...

"Y/N-KUUUUUUUUUUUUN! ARE YOU HERE TO VISIT ME!? AH~ HOW THOUGHTFUL OF YOU!" he screamed after seeing the [H/c] boy walked in the room

He scanned the room and saw a very tired looking tanjiro and inosuke

"What happened?" he asked

"Sorry..." tanjiro muttered while turning to his back

"don't mind us." Inosuke muttered as well

"They've been coming back like this ever since the rehabilitation training started, and I'm starting to get scared." Zenitsu said

Y/n went beside Zenitsu and placed the basket of onigiri on top of his table

"I made some onigiri with the help of Kanroji-san." y/n said

Zenitsu has sparkles in his eyes as he eyed the basket of onigiri, he pulled the [H/c] boy into a tight hug nuzzling his face into his soft hair

Y/n simply let's himself get hog by Zenitsu since he's starting to get used to it, he patted his back and moved away which caused the latter to pout

Y/n excused himself and went back to his room to get some rest since he's been roaming around the whole day, it was boring and no one wants to play with him

"..If only douma is here-" he muttered

Douma was the only demon who would play with him, he and douma would often get scolded by akaza or sometimes his father for causing a mess in the fortress

It's been two weeks since he arrived in the demon slayers headquarters, and non of the people there played with the [H/c] which made him upset

He was grateful that he is now saved from his father, but he'd be lying if he Denied the fact that he's been missing the days he spent back in the infinity fortress

Not noticing his surroundings the boy ended up in front of the gates that leads outside the headquarters

He knows that he'll get in trouble if he stepped outside, but there's something inside of him that wants to go outside.

Looking around and making sure no one is there, once it's clear he immediately ran outside the headquarters

The feeling of the air hitting his face made him smile, he was full of adrenaline

He never felt this way before, the feeling of being free and being able to do anything without being guarded

It was an awesome feeling.

Back in the headquarters a certain pillar was looking for Y/n

"Iguro-san?" he turned around and saw Shinobu with a confused expression

"Have you seen that brat?" he asked, Shinobu shakes her head

"why?" she asked

"He's missing."


With wide eyes, Y/n stared at the person in front of him

He's been gone for too long and it's now nighttime, and he knows that he's in big trouble right now

There stood in front of him, the man he never wanted to see.


"I knew you'd be here." he smirked showing his fangs

Y/n took a step back, he was trembling in fear.

He was in a city, he ran too far from where the headquarters are located

"What do you want?" his voice was shaky causing for Muzan to smirk wider

He took a step forward and once he's close enough his fingers wrapped around Y/n's neck with his nails digging in the process

Y/n's eyes widened, his mouth agape showing his fangs.. He felt his father's nail digging into his skin he tried to pulled his arm away but failed, the feeling of blood being sent to his body made him tremble in pain

His eyes rolled back before passing out, his father lifted him up and carried him with a smirk

He snapped his fingers and soon demons appeared in the city along with some upper moons completely destroying everything

"Bring me a human make sure its alive..much better if you bring me a human with a Marechi Blood" he ordered

Muzan walked through the city with y/n in his arms, screams erupted behind them as he walked.

A smirk was evident on his lips, he glanced at his son who's still twitching and shakes his head

"Let this be a lesson, Y/n." he muttered before completely disappearing in the city

Soon the pillars arrived at the city and their eyes widened at the sight of the once lively city that is now completely destroyed, mutilated bodies were scattered, destroyed buildings, Pool of bloods

It was horrifying.



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