Chapter 5

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Third Person's POV

The arrival of the demon child

The pillars could never forget the day they found y/n, it was almost dawn and the sun was already peeking through the horizon

They were sent by oyakata-sama to retrieve a child that is being hunt by the upper moons

They thought that it was a civilian, but once they arrived they saw the upper moons retreating and a child falling down the ground

The water pillar reached out to the child and kneeled in front of him while sanemi and iguro unsheated their nichirin blades

Giyuu almost jumped away when he saw a glimpse of the child's eyes

It was red

"He's a demon." Giyuu muttered catching the attentions of the other pillars

"WHAT?!" Both Sanemi and Iguro asked

They were utterly confused as to why Oyakata-sama sent them to help and retrieve a demon child

"Did we perhaps got the wrong child?" Shinobu asked

Kanroji shook her head remembering the description oyakata-sama had told them before they were sent away

"[H/C], Same height as tokito-kun, and.. Red eyes.. that's what oyakata-sama had told us" she said

It wasn't long after before the sun was finally up

The pillars were surprised as to why he's not turning into ashes there was no damage to him.

Giyuu picked up the child and rested it on his back

"Are you fucking serious? He's a demon and you're gonna bring him to the headquarters?!" Sanemi asked

Giyuu simply nodded before leaving, the others couldn't do anything but to follow him

Hours have past since the arrival of the child, he was now being treated in the butterfly estate

The pillars are waiting in a room where the meeting will be held, oyakata-sama was seated in front being accompanied by his twins

A kakushi arrived with the child and slowly placed him down on a futon, The kakushi excused himself.

The pillars stared at the child with burning hatred

"I assumed that you all want to know as to why I sent you to retrieve the child?" oyakata-sama started but only received a quiet response

"This child holds a lot of information and is very important to him, I hope you know whom I'm talking about." he said

The pillars perked up and stared at him with wide eyes.

"Then why did you want him alive, oyakata-sama?" Kanroji asked

Oyakata-sama smiled.

"It's because if we kill his most powerful weapon he will most certainly cause Chaos that will lead into massive deaths and destruction to mankind."

The words oyakata-sama sent shivers down their spines.

"Who is he to him anyway?" Sanemi asked

The others was now focused on the kid who's lying down on the futon

"I'm not in the right place to answer that, only he could answer it." oyakata-sama said

Soon the pillars were dismissed, the words oyakata-sama have said was stuck in their minds

Who would've thought that if they'd ended up killing him will cause chaos.

It was truly horrifying just by thinking of it.

After leaving the estate and heading towards their place, they all have one question in their mind

'Who was he to him?'

They know that they won't get answer anytime sooner.

Present day in the headquarters

Y/n who have been staring at the pond watching as the fish swims freely unconsciously ripped the doll's head off and let it slipped off his hands

He was completely unaware of a boy with burgundy hair staring at him with a confused expression

Y/n have been standing by the pond since the afternoon and now it was almost midnight.

"...Unstoppable" he muttered

The words his father told him keeps repeating on his mind.

"...Powerful" he muttered again

Tanjiro's confusion turned into a worried one, the scent he was getting from the child sent chills down his spine

It was the scent of muzan.

Slowly approaching the child, the scent grew stronger to the point that he had to cover up his nose

The scent of demon reeks upon the child.

"Y/n?" he called but received no response

He tapped his shoulder but the child remained still.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he stood beside him

Tanjiro's eyes widened when he saw his eyes, it was red and held pure bloodlust

The doll he was holding was now decapitated, the body was floating in the pond while the head was on the ground

"Y/n, what's wrong?" he asked again

Y/n snapped out of his trance and blinked rapidly before looking at tanjiro

"Tanjiro..?" he asked

The scent of a demon still lingers around him but was now mixed with calm scent

"Are you okay?" he asked and received a nod

He picked up the doll and stared at it

"I didn't mean to.." he murmured

Tanjiro smiled and grabbed his wrist, he dragged him inside the butterfly estate

"Come on, it's already midnight and you should take some rest." he smiled as he looked at Y/n

A thought ran through his mind upon seeing him in the pond.

He looked just like him.



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