Chapter 28

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Third Person's POV

After the encounter, Tanjiro and Giyu continued their mission

Tanjiro got even more enraged upon hearing the news about The Mist pillar Muichiro Tokito and Genya who died while battling with the upper moon one

As they continued to walk they ended up in a different place, They both stopped as they spotted a figure in front of them

Muzan stood in the middle, Y/n wasn't there so it means Muzan is all alone

Tanjiro glared at him as he had a flashback of all the memories he have with the others who died because of Muzan
He was about to charge but Giyu stopped him

"Calm down.. Calm down Tanjiro." Giyu said as he kept his eyes focused on muzan

"Persistent, you're all so persistent, it bores me." Muzan said, the two remained silent as they let muzan speak

His eyes shifted from Giyu to Tanjiro

"Whenever you open your mouth you always remember that stupid notion about avenging your family." This took the two of them off guard, tanjiro's eyes widened in disbelief

"you've all survived, that should be enough for you." Muzan said

Not far from them a [H/c] boy was watching like a predator watching its prey, his eyes focused on the two

Inside of him, someone was screaming, begging and crying, the core who's slowly regaining its colors back were now shattered and there's only a few pieces that haven't turned into ashes yet

His eyes darted from Giyu to Tanjiro, His brow knitted as he felt a strong wave of nostalgia upon seeing the male

'Tanjiro! Tanjiro I'm here! Giyu-San!... Guys..'

The voice inside his head dies down and it became quiet

"Tan...jiro?" He mumbled

The name was quite familiar to him but he can't place a finger on it, shaking his head he went back in observing what's in front of him

Muzan remained a calm posture sensing that Y/n is near, He can already feel the pride of having the strongest weapon against the demon slayers, he can't wait to see them get slaughtered one by one

"So, Your family got killed.. What's the catch?" Muzan asked

Tanjiro stared at muzan in disbelief, he can't believe all the words that's coming out of his mouth

"Think of yourself as someone who's lucky, and go back to live a life." Muzan said

"What... Are you talking about?" Tanjiro asked

Muzan's eyes sharpened as he stared at Tanjiro

"If you'd look it this way, Being killed by me is like encountering a disaster." Muzan answered

"There's no need to think so hard about it, Rains, winds, Volacnic eruptions, Earthquakes.. You cannot take revenge in Natural Disaster no matter how many lives it takes away." Muzan said

Tanjiro and Giyu remained silent, Tanjiro caught a sniff of Y/n's scent, tho it's far from him but hes sure that it's Y/n.

"You can't bring dead humans back to life, so why not stop fussing over this and life a life and earn your wages." Muzan glanced at Giyu then back at Tanjiro

Meanwhile, Y/n was having troubles with his mind

'Let.. Me.. Out!'

"Stay... Back.." He hissed as he clawed on his head drawing blood that trickled down his face

'I.. Won't let you.. Take.. Over and harm the others!.. Tanjiro.. Made a promise..'

Y/n rolled his eyes back and let out a roar that shooked the entire fortress, The others were in complete horror when they heard the bone chilling roar from Y/n, Muzan just smirked.

'Please... Let.. Him.. Fulfill his promise...'

"He's here." Muzan smirked

Not long after the battle against muzan has begun, Tanjiro and Giyu kept attacking him while Muzan deflects their attack

Y/n clawed on the floor digging his nails, He's having trouble on who's gonna come out and take control

'I won't let.. You!'

Another roar occurred, Y/n was close to losing his consciousness, He's slowly slipping out

The broken pieces of the core behind Y/n began to glow, Y/n turned and saw that the core is slowly regenerating

'I'm not gonna let you take over, I'm gonna win!'

And finally, Y/n collapsed on the ground.

Muzan was now battling with the four demon slayers, Iguro, Kanroji, Giyu and Tanjiro

Muzan have noticed that he's slowly losing control over nakime so he decided to kill her instead causing for the Fotress to fall apart

But instead of falling, the Fotress rises up, they all ended up in a city

"Muzan is in the surface... We've put the life of the people in danger!" Tanjiro said as he glanced at his surroundings

He spotted a [H/c] male who's passed out on the ground, he pushed himself up and hurriedly went to aid Y/n

"Y/n!?... Wake up!" Tanjiro pulled him in his arms cradling him, Y/n slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were no longer plum red it is now back to normal

His heterochormatic eyes stares back at tanjiro's, he weakly formed a smile

"I.. Won.. Tanjiro.." He muttered, Tanjiro's eyes began to water as he pulled the make into a hug

"You're back! You're finally back!" He cried, Y/n patted his back

"The fight isn't over yet.. You must kill him Tanjiro.." Y/n said as he pulled away

Y/n have grown weaker than before, his core was still regenerating

"I can't leave you here.." Tanjiro said, Y/n smiled and raised a hand up to caress his cheek

Tanjiro leaned on the touch and placed his hand on top of Y/n's hand, He stared at him and hesitated at first

Y/n was confused as to why Tanjiro is staying at him and that is until he was pulled closer and soft pair of lips was placed onto his lips

His eyes widened in surprised, Tanjiro pulled away and stand up

"I'll make sure to kill him.. And.." He trailed as he watched Y/n with tears in his eyes

"Fulfil my promise."


I once again went back to the manga for this. :)

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