Chapter 14

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Third Person's POV

'Y/n, wake up...'

'They will need your help..'

'come back to your friends'

'Tanjiro will need your help'

Y/n jolted up from the floor where his father have left him, pain strikes his body as he slowly stood up whilst hissing.

He looked down at his body and saw that he's now fully regenerated, unfortunately.

Slowly walking down the hallways of the infinity fortress he noticed how quiet it is and it's making him quite uncomfortable

"What.. Happened here?" he asked as he noticed the blood around the floor

His memory the day he was tortured was very hazy, he probably had an concussion when muzan threw him

Sighing he went towards his room, sliding the door open he was met with a messed up room

Everything was destroyed from his floor to his ceiling, He scanned his room checking if there's still something he can use

He found a white haori that have purplish color on the end of it, the haori somewhat made him feel safe and warm

A memory flashed through his mind, it was oyakata-sama handling him thw white haori with a smile

Smiling at the memory he bit the buttom of his lips as he felt guilt bubbling up his stomach

He doesn't know if they'll still accept him just like how they did before, he wishes to come back to them and help them kill muzan

He would risk his life for them he would do anything just to protect them, his father was nothing but a manipulative bastard unlike oyakata-sama who's kind and very understanding

"Oyakata-sama.." he mumbled as he hugged the haori and let his tears flow down from his eyes damping the haori

He wiped his tears with the back of his hand and wore the white haori, straightening it.

Walking out of the room he looked for the biwa demon making sure that she cannot see him escape, running around the fortress silently he found his way to the door he used for his escape when he was still an innocent child, unlike now.

Sliding the door opened he was met with a pair of red eyes, his father

"Tanjiro... Needs you"

The voice of the woman echoed once again, Tanjiro, he can now clearly remember him.

He was the one who accepted him during his stay in the headquarters, he even treated him like a brother but everything was ruined when he was taken back by his 'father'

Behind his father was a busy street, people were laughing and smiling while walking completely oblivious by their presence

"Going somewhere?" his father's voice snapped him out of his trance, looking at him eye to eye he felt a shiver ran down his spine as muzan stares at him with his dead cold eyes

His face remained calm yet the aura he's giving can make any person and demon quiver in fear and hide under a rock

And that's what y/n's feeling right now, he hated it, he hates the fact that even tho he's strong he cannot fight for himself, every time he tries to fight back the fear from his father would always take over him making him vulnerable

Unable to talk back he forced his way out surprisingly his father let's him but not before leaving some hurtful words

"They'll never accept you back, you're nothing but a mere demon to their eyes"


Y/n have been walking for 3 days now ever since his second escape, right now dawn was coming which means there will be no more demons that will lurk during daytime

Except for one.

The smell of the wisteria blossoming through the air made him felt quite anxious since he's nearing his destination, the demon slayers headquarters

Gulping he continued walking eyeing his surroundings making sure there's no demon slayers that might recognize him

He does sure hope that he will still get accepted, he will understand if they don't and probably would let himself be killed by the hands of the hashira's

The gates of the headquarters loomed over his figure, right now he's having second thoughts whether to enter or not, he closed his eyes and think, until...

"Y/n-kun?" his eyes shot wide open and slowly looked at the owner of the voice

"M-mitsuri-san.." he stuttered with wide eyes as he stared at the love pillar who's smiling which made him more confused

"I knew it, you would come back they just don't believe me!" she cried and pulled the boy in a tight hug

"You're not... Mad?" he asked as he slowly returned the gesture

A tear slipped passed his eye as he felt the warm sensation once again, the feeling of anxiousness slowly getting away

"I can't stay mad at you, even tho if I tried I'll still end up feeling bad for you since I know that.. He's controlling you." she muttered the last part

"Thank you" he smiled as he breaks the hug and wiped his tears

The love pillar smiled and ruffled y/n's hair, he looked behind him and her smile faltered Y/n noticed this and turned around only to met with a nichirin dangerously close to his neck

With wide eyes he stared at the owner of the blade, he tried to move only to make the blade to move closer grazing his neck drawing out blood

He can sense the uneasiness from the love pillar behind him as she watched the scene in front of her with wide eyes

"Why are you here you damn demon?" he asked coldly

Y/n shivered from the cold tone of his voice, straightening his posture he let the tip of the nichirin to stab his neck

"I meant no harm, I wished to speak to oyakata-sama." he said

The pillar in front of him scoffed as he pulled the nichirin away

"Do you think I'll seriously let you?" he asked as he positioned himself in a fighting stance

"P-please let's talk about this" Misturi stuttered as tears threatened to fall from her eyes

"I'm not going to fight" Y/n muttered causing for the pillar to smirk

"That's great then, prepare to die you worthless vermin" he lunges towards Y/n as Misturi screamed for his name




I'm sorry for not updating I needed some time to think, but I'm bacc now! Hope yall enjoy this chapter~

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