Chapter 17

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Third Person's POV

Kanao's eyes fluttered open as sunlight beams through the opened window, birds chirping happily, footsteps from the estate can be heard

She slowly sat up still half-asleep, unaware of a half-demon who's reading a book beside the window

Kanao stood up and stretched followed by a yawn

"Good morning." her eyes widened as she quickly turned around ready to throw whatever she can hold onto

There sitting on a chair holding a book was Y/n, his hair was a bit disheveled he was smiling at her

"You fell asleep last night and I moved you to the bed, don't worry I didn't do anything I've been sitting here since midnight." He said returning his attention back to the book he's reading

Y/n recived no response and instead a sound of door shutting echoed, Sighing he closed his book and went to grab another one to his dismay he had read them all

Heading towards the door he stepped into something, looking down at the ground he found a butterfly hairpin

"Kanao must've dropped it..welp gotta return it" he said to himself as he opened the door

The estate was pretty busy, the sound of footsteps echoing followed by the sound of tools clattering can be heard

Stopping in front of a door he hesitated to knock, he can sense a very familiar presence, breathing in he raised his hand ready to knock but stopped when rapid footsteps erupted inside

The door burst open his eyes widened when suddenly a nichirin cut through his neck jumping away he held his bleeding neck

"I knew it." Tanjiro stands through the doorway panting as he glares at Y/n

Y/n looked at him with wide eyes surprised by the sudden attack tho nichirin blades couldn't kill him since he have conquered the sun it can still make him feel immobile for days due to the damage and the only way he can get killed was for only y/n and his father to know

"Tanjir-" He didn't finished off when suddenly a flash of yellow appeared in front of him his head began falling followed by his body

The stare Tanjiro was giving him held pure sadness, Shinobu who's busy tending Uzui dropped the bottle of medicine and ran to see what's happening on the other room

Arriving she saw the headless body of y/n and Tanjiro along with zenitsu was standing staring at the body with wide eyes

Her eyes focused on his body and realized that he's not turning into ashes like how demon should after having their head sliced off of their body

Screams of zenitsu echoed when suddenly Y/n's body stood up and picked up his head attaching it back to his body

The wound healed in an instant as expected from a demon, his eyes opened and glared at the Frozen Tanjiro and the screaming zenitsu

Shinobu was shaking, she have never seen a demon like y/n before, the fact that he can't get killed by a nichirin blade scared her

Y/n's glanced towards her direction causing her to flinch, his glare softened and turned into a smile

"Shinobu-San!" he called he muttered something to Tanjiro and zenitsu which made them flinch and slowly nodded

He ran towards Shinobu like a little kid while waving a butterfly hairpin up in the air, he stop inches away from Shinobu even tho he's only twelve he was towering over her

"Have you seen Kanao-Chan? She must've dropped this pin while heading out the room." he said while rubbing the back of his neck

Shinobu who's still shock at the sight she just saw stared at Y/n's eyes which made the boy to raised an eyebrow

"Shinobu-San?" he called waving a hand in front of her

"You.. You didn't die? How..?" she asked

Y/n's smile faltered upon hearing her question

"Nichirin can't kill me easily, I may receive strong attacks but that's not enough to kill me but it can immobilized me for a while" he said

The color in shinobu's face disappeared, this boy right in front of her is immune to nichirin blades and the sun

Smiling, Y/n grabbed her hand and placed the pin on top of it before leaving the shocked Shinobu

Meanwhile Tanjiro and Zenitsu went back to their room, t words Y/n had left made their heart sunk in fear

When Tanjiro attack him the scent coming from y/n nearly made him gag, the amount of hatred and rage made his stomach churn

The sight of y/n's body not disintegrating bothers him the most, His head was sliced off yet he's still alive

It's similar to the upper moon six, but the difference is Y/n has no other body inside of him it was his power

"A blood demon art perhaps? No.. There's something more." he mumbled

If it was a blood demon art he should've made a move but now, he just stood there and did nothing

The words he left before going to the insect pillar sent a shiver down his spine

"Do that again and I'll make sure to tear your limbs apart."


Heyaa, sorry for the late update I've been busy with this enrollment thingy--

And yeah I'm finally enrolled~

And I apologize if this chapter is a bit messy, also if you have any thoughtsof who'll be the readers love interest please do tell me~  I'm open with both genders :)

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