Chapter 9

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-We're about to go in the manga~

Third Person's POV

Tanjiro was down on the ground, he was trying to stop his bleeding by breathing

They just defeated a demon that messed up with people's dreams, in order to wake up they need to kill themselves in their very own dream.

Everything seemed to go well until an Upper moon arrived.

But that wasn't the only scent that Tanjiro smelled, there were a scent that smelled familiar...

It was Y/n's.

Scanning his surrounding, trying to locate where the scent was coming from

The battle between The Flame Pillar and the Upper moon three was still going

They were moving too fast that tanjiro couldn't keep up.

Not long after Rengoku was already beat up while akaza is still standing with no damage

As akaza was about to end the flame hashira he was stopped by a voice

"Akaza, dawn is coming." He snapped his head towards the voice and saw Y/n

Tanjiro was shocked upon seeing the kid he once treated as a younger brother was now a demon.

Tanjiro managed to lift himself up and ran towards Rengoku and akaza who has his arm stuck inside the flame pillar.

Tanjiro threw his sword towards akaza who managed to dodged it, he successfully remove his arm and made a run towards the forest

"Where do you think you're going you coward!?" Tanjiro yelled

He kept on throwing insults to akaza.

"Idiot, he's running because the sun is rising up."

Tanjiro turned around to see Y/n standing beside the flame pillar

"Y/n...wha... How?" he was lost for words, what's happening right now was too much for him to handle

Y/n moved his crimson eyes towards Tanjiro and furrowed his eyebrows

"Who are you?" he asked

Tanjiro was taken a back at his sudden question, it was too sudden that it leave him speechless

Y/n went back to the flame pillar who's currently kneeling down while holding his abdomen where there was a hole made by akaza

"I'm giving you one last chance, Hashira... Be a demon." Y/n said

Rengoku smiled and looked up the [H/c] male

"I refuse." he answered

Y/n nodded and started walking towards the area where akaza has gone to, Tanjiro who was still surprised locked eyes with the boy he once cared about

"Y/n, what happened to you?" he asked

Y/n tilted his head to the side and raised and eyebrow, his memory was too hazy, he cannot remember Tanjiro

He ignored him and walked past him, he was about to make a run when suddenly a hand grabbed his wrist.

He turned around and glared at the person, Tanjiro was holding his wrist rather tightly as if not wanting to let go

"Why did you leave?" he asked, Y/n was getting annoyed

"Let go." he growled only for Tanjiro to tighten his grasp

"You didn't answered my question." he demanded, he was confused as to why Y/n left with no words and now he's returning as a demon

"Get your hand off of me!" Y/n slapped Tanjiro's hand away and jumped back a few feet

"Y/n-" Tanjiro was stopped by the flame pillar

"Let him go, he's no longer the old Y/n we know.. He's now a threat to mankind an enemy of ours.. A demon." He said while breathing heavily

Y/n stared at him, an image of a Male similar to the flame pillar appeared in his mind

He was patting his head while smiling brightly, he tilted his head to the side while eyeing the pillar

"Y/n my boy... Listen for a sec.. I want to tell you something before I's never too late to turn things around.. There's still hope in you, come back to them I'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms." he said

His words somehow sent a feeling of guilt to Y/n, he balled his fist and glared at the pillar

Without giving any response he turned his heels and started running away from them

Tanjiro's eyes followed y/n's figure as it get smaller

"Y/n..." he whispered and balled his fist, the kid he once cared for and treated as a younger brother was now a demon, it pains him to see y/n like that, and the fact that he can no longer with be with him anymore sent a feeling of disappointment mixed with anger to him, so he'll do what a demon slayer need to do instead, he sucked in some air and...

"Y/N! SINCE YOU'VE BECOME A DEMON I WILL MAKE SURE THAT I'LL BE THE ONE WHO WILL END YOU! I WILL NEVER LET YOU GO! YOU HEAR ME?!" he yelled with tears running down his cheeks, oh how much he hated saying those words.

Rengoku wore a sad expression in his face upon hearing the words that came out of tanjiro's mouth

"Don't cry too much, you're hurt.. Come here and let's have a talk.."

Y/n heard everything.


So... Don't kill me... I told you that each chapter will get darker and angsty..


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