Chapter 19

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Third Person's POV

" did you know?" Y/n asked Tanjiro who's glare hardened

The tension between the two made the kid who's wearing a mask shuddered, Nezuko Stirred inside the box having an uneasy feeling since she can sense the demon with his brother

"You have the same scent as him, at first I thought it was natural since all demons are created by him but I was wrong when I noticed that not all demons have the same scent even for the upper moon six we have killed before

They all have different smell, Unlike yours. Yours is the same from the scent I smelled back when my family was murdered!" Tanjiro explained, his glare remained

"Upper moon.. Six?" Y/n mumbled

"Yeah, We killed them! They wouldn't end up that way if it weren't for your father who turned them into a demon.. They were once human, they have emotions they deserve to live a happy life, Every human deserves to live in a world without feeling unsafe during night time because of those demons your father created, Every time I kill a demon I pity them, but you..." Tanjiro was full on crying

Y/n remained silent, he can't think of word to say everything Tanjiro have said was nothing but the truth, he felt like reality was once again slapped into his face leaving a permanent mark

"Back then..Rengoku-san said something before passing, he told me that if one day you've returned he wanted you to know that he was sorry because he can't save you when you were taken, even I felt sorry for not being there when you were taken because I thought I've lost another brother but I guess I did...As much as I hate to say this but no matter how much you try to earn my trust once again it will never happen again" Tanjiro finally let's go after saying all his thoughts

Tanjiro left without another word with the kid following him leaving the stunned Y/n alone, Every words that have left tanjiro's mouth stabbed him right through the his core

He was right, if it weren't for his good for nothing father the world wouldn't be like how it is today, because of his father the world have turned into a nightmare whenever night time came

Unaware, Y/n was being watched by an eyeball who's hiding in a bush

Some of them might have accepted you already but there will always be someone who doesn't.

Y/n's head whipped around searching for the voice that just talked to him

"W-who's there?!" he called out

'You should've stayed.'

There it is again, The voice somewhat sounds familiar to him yet he can't put a finger on who's voice it's from

Maybe his other self? The one who's stronger, The one who's scared of no one even if it's his own father, the one who managed to build a wall against everyone but torn down by the current Y/n who's having a very hard time outside

'You don't need to force yourself with them, they hate you.'

"N-no.. Shinobu-San and Mitsuri-san have already accepted me! Even Oyakata-sama!" He yelled to himself while tuggin on his hair wishing for the voice to disappear

'They're putting up a facade because they know you're connected to Father and will use you as a bait to lure father.'

Y/n was now hitting his head, the voice was irritating him yet he cannot help but think if everything he's saying was true because everything did make sense after all

He was accepted so easily like nothing have happened after he left, he was starting to doubt if escaping in the first place was really a wise decision

'You never learned, do you?'

"Stop... Please" he begged falling down on his knees his hands moved from his head to his ears covering them blocking all the noises around him

'If only you didn't break the wall I've built, you wouldn't end up like this'

Shutting his eyes closed Y/n can see a silhouette in his mind he was giving y/n a sinister smile, the person motioned for y/n to come closer which he obeyed

'You're so easy to break, so fragile, so vulnerable.. So weak'

The voice echoed.

'Did you really think someone like you will be accepted so easily after what you did? You've murdered innocent lives, you devoured them, you're so blind to see that they hate you.'

Stopping in his tracks, in front of him was his core that has a crack in the middle, the once bright colour of his core was fading

Behind the core was his other self, Smirking at him

'Because of them, You're falling apart'

Y/n's fingertips traced the cracked that goes all the way down in his core, it was warm and it was calming, He smiled as he looked at his other self's crimson eyes, he can finally see his feature

Crimson eyes, Black hair, Fangs, Basically what his father looks like but with a few differences

'Let me take over.'

"I won't let you, I know one day everything will be fine, I have faith in them they will defeat Father, I know it will be hard and too risky since father is a very powerful demon but if they come up with a better plan they might take him down i know they will.." he trailed off and reached a hand to caressed his other self's face who's staring at him with a scowl with a smile he finished his sentence

"And when father get killed, I'll make sure I get too."



Also I once again wrote this at 4am and I'm sorry for the mistakes...

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