Chapter 20

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Third Person's POV

Night time have arrived, yet y/n remained in the place where Tanjiro have left him

Muichiro have long forgotten that y/n came with him and he was now on his way back to the cabin where he will stay at

Y/n was surrounded by a deafening silence, the eyeball that have been watching him changed its position and was now right in front of him

"What do you want, Nakime?" he asked staring directly at the eyeball that laid on the ground

Standing up he stomp on the eye squishing it before walking away

Tanjiro's world's remained in his mind, the way he Screams and putting all the blame on Y/n even tho it's his father's fault

"Fool." He chuckled dryly

Soon Screams echoes through the forest followed by gunshots, Y/n stopped walking and listened to where the Screams are coming from

The village.

He started sprinting, his footsteps became lighter each second to the point where he's almost flying from the speed

"Goddammit how long was I out?" he grumbled as he saw a glimpse of the village

His senses were tingling each second he gets closer, He stopped in front of a house his eyes scanned the house inside and was surprised when he saw a man forging a rusty nichirin despite what's happening around him

"Hey, You need to get out of here there's a demon attacking your village!" Y/n yelled yet got ignored

"HEY-" he stopped as his eyes landed on the demon who break in

"Upper moon Five.." he muttered

He was about to charge when suddenly the same demon who he met earlier grabbed him by his shoulder and threw him out the house

Tho the attacks weren't that fatal unlike what he suffered from his father

"Hey there you demon fuck-" He was sent flying once again

He landed on his back beside him was a ginormous bubble of water and inside was Muichiro, His eyes widened as he scanned him if he's still breathing relief washed over him once he saw him moved

"Muich-" Y/n was dragged away by the same demon and was thrown in the air

"Can you let me finish talking first you good for nothing lowless scum!?" He spat out some blood

The demon remained unfazed by his words and continued on walking towards him, Y/n smirked and stood up properly

"Oh? You're approaching me now?" he asked as he stood still in his place waiting for the demon to get closer

"Instead of running away, you're approaching me?" He smirked as his nails started sharpening his eyes darkened

The demon stopped right in front of him and smirked

"I can't beat the shit out of you If I don't get any closer" he said before throwing a punch which Y/n dodges

Y/n kicked him in the guts and sent him flying over a tree tearing it down in the process, the demon chuckled as he stood up shakily, his arms were broken so as his leg, his head was bashed leaving him with only his jaw

The demon regenerated as expected, and lunged at y/n who grabbed onto his collar and growled as he digged his hand inside of the demon damaging his insides

The demon who have flown away far from where Muichiro is dropped y/n who falls in a random house, a broken wood pierced his abdomen causing him to choke on his blood

"I'm gonna kill you." he muttered as he pulled the wood out of his abdomen, he gasped for air as his wounds regenerates

Stepping outside the house he noticed that dawn was approaching and the demon was nowhere to be seen he huffed

"what a whimp." he said as he runs to find where the others are

'The sun is almost up, which means we can kill the upper moons once we got them cornered...wait..if Tanjiro is fighting then so is his sister Nezuko who hasn't conquered the sun.. This is bad.'

He sped up his pace as he reached the end of the village where its a cliff

Below him was Tanjiro and Nezuko fighting Hantengu.. Well more like chasing him since he's trying to escape

The sun have finally peeked through the horizon causing for Tanjiro to panic and instes of chasing the upper moon he went to Nezuko and tried to cover her from the sun

'What are you gonna do? Help him? He hates you remember?'

Ignoring the voice in his head he jumped down the cliff, Tanjiro was unaware of the [H/c] male who's heading towards them

Y/n's eyes widened when Tanjiro suddenly screamed and ran towards the upper moon leaving Nezuko exposed to the sun

He jumped towards her and used his haori to cover her body, Nezuko stared at him with a confused expression

He simply smiled at her and he used his demon powers to grew taller

"Shrink down.." he muttered Nezuko obeyed and shrinks down

Y/n have noticed something, Nezuko's right leg was exposed on the sun yet its not Disintegrating

'Could it be...'

Slolwy lowering down his haori, the sun rays hits Nezuko's arms and remained uninjured

He stood up and Nezuko took noticed and stood up as well, she went back to her normal size and eyed y/n who's smile never left his face

"Nezuko..." Tanjiro called

Y/n's smile faltered a bit as he Slolwy stepped away from Nezuko leaving her whole body exposed to the sun

Tanjiro couldn't believe his eyes, Nezuko was now standing under the sun with no damage, he approached her and pulled her into a hug as Nezuko smiled

"M.. Morning."



I made a reference, hope yall get it :)

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