Chapter 32

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Third Person's POV

The sun is finally up, Y/n laid down the ground with a smile on his face

He looked up the sky and watched as the Sunlight hits the clouds causing for the stars to disappear

Muzan's eyes grew wide as the sunlight hits his face, He roared and threw a very powerful attack causing for the pillars to be blown away

Tanjiro remained still even tho his left arm have been blown away as well

"Tan.. Jiro" Y/n managed to stand up, the sun was making his body to steam

His human cells got dominated by the demon cells his father gave him and it made him vulnerable to the sun

If he stays a bit longer under the sun he would probably get disintegrated

Tanjiro kept remained in his place, Giyu appeared behind him and holds into the sword and pushed it further deep in muzan

Muzan coughed out blood so as Y/n, Muzan roared and starts to swell up turning into a huge baby like figure

"Tanjiro!" Giyu yelled as Tanjiro got absorbed by the flesh

Muzan tries to escape by going under the shades where the sunlight can't hit him

The kakushis have dropped bookshelves over muzan to stop him momentarily, Muzan continued on crawling his way out

A kakushi who's riding  a vehicle crashed to muzan, Muzan raised his arms and destroyed the vehicle by smashing it luckily the kakushi got out in time

As muzan continued crawling and was about to make a turn into the shades, a group of kakushis appeared and pushed a bus onto muzan preventing him for going into a safe place

Y/n managed to crawl into a shade.

"Tanjiro... Don't let him live" he muttered before closing his eyes

"You're pathetic."

Y/n chuckled as he watch his other self appeared in front of him, He was not scowling anymore

"I know." Y/n answered

His other self scoffed and walked towards the direction of the core

"It was going back to normal earlier.. But it stopped and loosens its brightness once again"

Y/n watched as the core who's once colorful and bright turned into pieces with a dull color

"Its his fault.. If it weren't for him the world wouldn't have been like this, I hate him, he turned innocent human beings into demons and killed thousands of them.. He.. He even killed mother" Y/n sobbed

His other self remained silent as he watch Y/n cry on the floor, his eyes shifted back to the core and watches it

Y/n was right, It it weren't for their father the world would not be like this, The people would not be terrified to go out during the night, its all their fathers fault

"Stand up and fight.."

Y/n raised his head and stared at his other self with a baffled expression

"I can't move my limbs." He said

His other self stared at him with a soft smile

'Tanjiro needs you..'

Y/n's eyes snapped opened startling the kakushis who's currently aiding him

"His awake!" one of the kakushi yelled alerting the others

Y/n growled as he pushed himself up, the kakushi who was tending to him yelp and scrambled away

"You're injured!" they said

Y/n ignored them and looked for Tanjiro, his eyes scanned the are but he couldn't find Tanjiro

He glanced back at the kakushi who visibly flinched under his gaze

"Where's Tanjiro?" He asked

The kakushi pointed at the direction where Tanjiro is

Y/n didn't waste any time and ran towards it even if his limbs were about to fall, his muscles felt like its tearing apart, the sunlight isn't helping either he was steaming

"Tanjiro!" He yelled catching the others attention

Y/n continued his search, he ran and ran until he stopped when he saw Tanjiro kneeling in the middle of the city

His left arm were completely gone, some kakushis were there aiding him

"Did.. He killed father already?" He asked a he looked around

"If he.. Did then why am I still alive?" He checked his palm and noticed that the wounds were healing

His eyes widened, he's confused as to why he's still alive, if muzan have been killed already he should be dead by now as well but he's not.

"Something is not right.." he muttered as he watched as Giyu approaches Tanjiro and kneeled in front of him

Y/n remained in his spot watching as Giyu talked to Tanjiro, Tanjiro remained unresponsive for a while until his eyes snapped open

Y/n could feel his heart drop when he saw tanjiro's eyes, it was different now it was the eyes of his father

Tanjiro's arm regenerated in a second and almost killed a kakushi if it weren't for Giyu jumping in to save him

"Tanjiro.." y/n muttered as tears ran down his cheeks, unaware that the longer he stays under the sun the steaming began to get even worse his left arm slowly disintegrate

Giyu picked up his blade and stands up

"Those who can still move, pick up your swords! Tanjiro have become a demon!"


This is hard to write--

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