Chapter 25

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Third Person's POV

"One... More... Push" Y/n muttered as he successfully pushed the Boulder through the the town

Tanjiro have finished as well and was now being drowned by the water gyomei is giving him

Y/n sweat drops as he watched the scene, He sat down on the ground and lean on the Boulder catching his breath

His muscles were extremely sore, his lungs felt like it was being lit on fire every time he breathes

But no mark have appeared..

Y/n stared at his palm, there were a few scratches on it he clenched it and stood up and walked away leaving a confused Tanjiro who called onto his name

"I'll be.. Going now." He muttered before disappearing in sight

Y/n felt like he just wasted a lot of time with training, He doesn't need this he's not a demon slayer he's a demon.

"How can they be so calm around me? Aren't you they supposed to hate me?" He asked

'It's because they're using you.'

Theres that voice again, the voice that he hated so much

"Oh just fuck off, I don't need you right now." he mumbled to himself

'You'll need me soon.'

The voice disappeared, Y/n sighed in relief as it became quite once again only the sound of leaves being stepped on was heard and the gush of wind rustling the bushes

Stopping in the middle of the forest Y/n leaned on a tree and let the fatigue consumes him



"He's out cold.."

"Let's Dump him in the river."

"Inosuke! PUT HIM DOW-


"HOLY SHIT IT'S COLD!" Y/n screeched as he landed on the cold water

"Inosuke! Say you're sorry!" Tanjiro yelled while pointing at the freezing Y/n who's still in the water

Genya sighed and pulled the latter out of the water and placed him beside the campfire they made

"W-who..the..fuck...threw me?" Y/n asked while shaking

"You were sleeping under a tree so I decided to throw you in the water since you're not waking up!" Inosuke proudly beemed

Tanjiro shakes his head as he approaches the shaking male who's sitting beside the fire, he sat beside him and took a glance at the male

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