Chapter 27

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Third Person's POV

"Let me go!" Y/n screamed as he struggled to get away from his father's arms

Muzan created a cocoon absorbing not just what Tamayo had put in him but also her as well

Y/n tightly being held by Muzan, His nails grew longer and grazed Y/n's neck drawing some bloods out

"You're really a heartless monster!" Tamayo yelled as half of her body were being absorbed already

Muzan payed no mind in her as he focused on absorbing her ad also the medicine and preventing his son from escaping

Years prickled his eyes as Y/n began to lose consciousness, Muzan have noticed this and took it as an opportunity to stab all his five fingers in Y/n's neck causing for the boy to gasp for air

Y/n felt the massive amount of blood surging through his veins, the pain was agonizing, it burns his insides, Muzan continued to give him his blood

"This time you'll never break free from me, for I will give you half the amount of my blood." Muzan whispered menacingly

Tamayo have been already absorbed and so was the medicine.

Muzan left the cocoon flesh holding his son who's shaking due to the amount of blood, Muzan placed him down the floor and watched as his son stir around.

Almost an hour of shaking, y/n have stopped and remained on the floor for a minute

Muzan grew a smirk once Y/n stood up, His eyes were plum red, fangs sharpened so as his nails

What stand out the most was the Cresent mark on his cheek that might have Ben triggered by muzan

Inside Y/n his core have been fully shattered into pieces and is slowly turning into dust

He stood still in front of his father with an emotionless face

"Lower your head and crouched down." Muzan ordered which Y/n obeyed

He kneeled in front of muzan with his head hung down.

"I have a mission for you, I want you to Slaughter every demon slayers who's inside this fortress and don't disappoint me, understood?" Muzan ordered

Y/n didn't responded as he disappeared into thin air


Tanjiro and Giyu were heavily injured as they managed to take down the upper moon three, now theyre heading towards Muzan's location

While running Tanjiro have caught on a familiar scent, it grew nearer and nearer until...


The floor in front of them were destroyed as Y/n landed on it

His eyes slowly darted towards Tanjiro's who simply smiled at him unaware of the situation

"Y/n, thank God you're okay!" Tanjiro was about to approach him when Giyu pulled him away

Y/n have lunged himself towards them clawing at him, he missed tanjiro's neck by an inch

Both Tanjiro and Giyu jumped away ready to fight, Tanjiro has a confused expression

'Wha... What's going on? Why did he attacked me? His scent.. Its getting different.. It's so strong its making me want to vomit"

Y/n let out an animalistic growl as he went to attack Tanjiro once again, Tanjiro used his Blade to delfect his attack

Y/n was strong, stronger than before, if he let's his arms rest for a sec he would get his head sliced off

"Y/n! It's me.. Tanjiro! Why can't you remember me!?" Tanjiro yelled as Y/n's claw grew nearer and nearer, he closed his eyes waiting for the pain yet nothing came

He opened his eyes and saw that Giyu have stabbed Y/n in the neck, Y/n's hand flung up to pull the blade out, his wounds healed up within a second

"He's not the Y/n we've known anymore!" Giyu said as he readied himself

Tanjiro has tears in his eyes as he watches Y/n who've changed so quickly

'Muzan must've did something to him.. That bastard I will kill him!'

Tanjiro ignored his thoughts as he focused on how to defeat Y/n, While thinking he noticed that giyu attacks Y/n and pinned him down the floor using his blade

Giyu sat on his abdomen holding the blade down, he had his head hung low and his eyes closed, he have tears running down his eyes

"Tanjiro! CUT HIS HEAD OFF!" Giyu yelled

Tanjiro who let's out a battle cry and used his hinokami kagura and was about to cut y/n's head until a smile appeared on Y/n's lips

"Tanjiro, You wouldn't kill me right?"

Tanjiro stopped in an instant, Y/n's smile disappeared and changed into a grin, he successfully threw giyu off of him and pulled out the blade throwing it away

He turned to the shocked Tanjiro and approached him, Tanjiro's hand shook violently as he eyed the male in front of him

"Just as I thought.." Y/n smirked as he stepped away and disappeared in sight

Giyu stood up while clutching his arm, he winced at he pain from his back

He saw Tanjiro who stood frozen in his place, the Nichirin have fallen to th ground already

"Tan..jiro.." Giyuu weakly called

Tanjiro's eyes wide as a saucer, He couldn't believe what just happened, he stopped when he's about to kill Y/n

The smile, it was the same smile y/n would give him, it was the same smile he grown fond of, and it was also the smile that gives him butterflies in his stomach

No matter how much he think of killing Y/n, he just can't.

"What are you doing to me Y/n? Why.. Can't I bring myself to kill you?"


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