Chapter 21

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Third Person's POV

After what happened in the Swordsmith village, Everything seemed to be back to normal.. Or that's what they thought

Ever since Nezuko have conquered the sun Muzan have been more ruthless, He even murdered his 'Adopted' family after receiving the memory of Hantengu

If he consumed Nezuko he can finally conquered the sun after a thousand years of hiding in the darkness, He's lying if he says he'd never think of eating Y/n since he can go under the sun without any damage

Yet, He stopped himself from doing so and instead he made a promise to make y/n to continue his legacy, to be the most powerful demon

But things went in the wrong way once y/n have regained his lost memories, the memories that made him go back to Kagaya, the person who saved him

Now that three of his upper moons have been killed, muzan have became cautious and starts thinking of a plan on how to get Nezuko and Y/n.


Tanjiro stood in front of a door, hesitating whether to knock or turn around and walk away

Ever since the battle between the upper moon four and five Tanjiro have been feeling guilty from the words he have said to Y/n

He shouldn't have put the blame on him, it was all his father's fault and not his.

Sighing, Tanjiro shakily lifted up his arm and bit his lower lip and knocked on the wooden door three times

A sound of footsteps occurred inside, every footsteps made tanjiro's heart beats rapidly as if it'll pop out of his ribcage

He can't remember what happened after defeating the upper moon, he woke up inside the butterfly estate with Shinobu tending on his wounds

At first he asked if Nezuko is okay and Shinobu told him that she's perfectly fine and is outside with aoi and the three girls

He Unaware that genya was laying on a bed beside him and was staring at him the whole time

"Tanjiro, I don't know whether to tell you this.. I know you hate that kid but he tried to save Nezuko by covering her despite the sun hitting his back.."

Genya's words struck a nerve in him as guilt starts to bubble up in his stomach

The door swung opened startling Tanjiro, In front of him was Y/n who's wearing a normal Yukata with the same white haori on top

Y/n raised and eyebrow, confused as to why Tanjiro knocked on his door

'Could it be because of what happened in the forest? Or.. Because I went near his sister... Yeah that's probably it' Y/n thought

"Listen, I'm sorry if I went near your sister, I know how important she is to you that's why I tried to cover her up from the sun but I guess I couldn't over her entire body since her leg were exposed in the sun and that's when I real-" Y/n was cut off when Tanjiro suddenly kneeled and bowed so deeply

"Its not about that! I really appreciate what you did back there! And I owe you for that! Also.. I'm here to apologise from what I've told you back in the village

I know I've said some hurtful words to you, and I'm sorry! I even put the blame in you when it's not your fault, I realized that you've finally changed and i felt awful

I acted that way maybe because of Rengoku-san, Back there you didn't even bothered to help him but I understand now it wasn't you who's in control that time it was Muzan, So y/n will you forgive me? "Tanjiro was shaking as tears ran down his cheeks landing on the wooden floor of the butterfly Estate

Y/n stared at him with a wide eyes, tears started to form in his eyes blurring his vision

Kneeling down he smiled and patted Tanjiro's back who flinched at the sudden gesture

"Tanjiro-kun, you don't have to apologize to me, I understand how you feel so don't apologise." He smiled

Tanjiro slowly looked up and his eyes met Y/n's, His eyes were calm and deep as the ocean, Tanjiro felt himself drowning in them

"B-but.. I've said so many hurtful words towards you" he said almost inaudible

Y/n shakes his head and smiled, standing up ahd pulled Tanjiro with him

"Tanjiro-kun, like what I've said you don't need to apologise because I understand you." He smiled as he patted Tanjiro's shoulder who's staring at him with wide eyes

Y/n bowed and head backs to his room to get something, Tanjiro stood out side his room with a small smile formed up to his lips as he wiped his tears away with the sleeves of his uniform

Not long after Y/n came back with an item in his hand, Tanjiro curiously stared at his hand

Y/n opened up his palm and showed a necklace, it was a Cresent moon

"It was a gift from my mother when I was born, every time I wear it I feel like she's with me, it's a Cresent moon and it symbolizes Life and death which means even in death you can still be with the person who gave you this, you may not see the person but they will be in your heart." Y/n smiled remember the days he would always cry while hugging the necklace he would feel safe whenever he brings it with him

"Why are you telling me this Y/n?" Tanjiro asked as he stare at the latter's eyes

Y/n simply smiled and placed the necklace on top of Tanjiro's palm

"Can you promise me one thing?" He asked his smile never leaving his face which made Tanjiro to be more curious

"Y/n what are yo-"

"please." Y/n cut him off with a pleading eyes, Tanjiro hesitated at first since he have a bad feeling about this but nodded otherwise

Y/n smiled.

"Tanjiro-kun, If the day comes where you finally killed my father, I want you to kill me too and don't you ever hesitate." he smiled

Tanjiro was completely taken a back he opened his mouth to object but y/n's eyes told him something, He gritted his teeth and looked Down at the floor as tears starts to build up in his eyes once again

He breathe in some air before looking back up at the male who's smile never faltering he gathered up his courage and smiled back tho it was a sad smile

"I promise."


Here's your request sorry if it isn't what you expect it to be :) also... I FEEL BAD WRITING THIS-


Thank for all your supports I really appreciate it! 💖

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