Chapter 22

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Third Person's POV

Tanjiro stood beside Y/n, the both of them are outside watching the lower ranks train under each pillars

Uzui Tengen or the Former Sound Hashira is in charge with enhancing the stamina of each demon slayers

"Tell me.. Why do I need to train as well?" Y/n asked while sweat dropping at the sight of the exhausted Demon slayers being scolded By Uzui

"You're a demon slayer, right?" Tanjiro asked, Y/n raised and eyebrow and glanced towards Tanjiro

"What makes you say that?" He asked Tanjiro who simply pointed at his uniform

He sighed as he remembered that he's wearing the demon slayer uniform

'I should've just wore a Yukata than this stupid uniform.'

Tanjiro have finally fully recovered and was now able to participate with the pillar training

Y/n removed his top uniform exposing his well built body littered with scars, People wouldn't believe he's only twelve since his feature says otherwise

The both of them approaches Uzui who smiled widely at the sight of Tanjiro and frowned when he noticed Y/n trailing behind the boy

He still can't believe how Y/n get easily accepted like nothing happened

"Tanjiro! It's good to see you here, I've heard that you defeated another upper moon! That good now let's put that body of yours in good condition!" he smiled


Y/n gasped for air as he fell down on his knees, his lungs felt like burning every time he wheezed some air

"This is..a living hell" he said

Ten days of stamina training and he felt like it's been a whole year, his muscle were burning and cramping his body was about to give up

"Come on Y/n! Muichiro-kun is waiting!" Tanjiro dragged y/n who's struggling to escape and make a run


"OW! OW! STOP- WAIT!" Y/n yelled every time a wooden sword would hit him

Tanjiro who's sitting in the floor watching as Muichiro beat the crap out of Y/n with a smile on his face

"He looked like he's having fun..." he mumbled

"You're so slow, shouldn't you be faster?" Muichiro asked

Y/n shakily grasp the handle of the wooden sword and positioned himself once again

"I-I'm holding back!" he yelled

Muichiro was taken a back by his sudden outburst and raised an eyebrow

"then don't hold back, give me what you've got." he smiled slightly as he charged again

The demon slayers who's watching shuddered in fear once their wooden sword clashed, Y/n have finally managed to cope with the speed

Muichiro stopped and sent a smile at Y/n, it's similar to the smile he gave to Tanjiro once he passed

"You've done well, Y/n now go to the next pillar with Tanjiro!" He said


Y/n's eyebrow twitches as he was forced to dance.

"My back hurts so much." he muttered while rubbing his lower back

"Now, let's all see how far you can stretch!" Misturi cheered which made the color on y/n's face to drained


"Ngh!." Y/n whimpers while facing down the ground

"Shh It's okay, it's painful at first but you'll get used to it." Tanjiro said reassuringly

"I-it hurts..." Y/n muttered as he again whimpers

He was being forced to do a split, Tanjiro was giving him words to encourage him while Misturi pushed his hips down until he's in a splitting position

"See!? I told you, you can do it!" Tanjiro smiled


IT'S EASY FOR YOU TO SAY! JUST YOU WAIT WHEN IT'S YOUR TURN YOU MOTHERFU-" Kanroji placed a gag on Y/n's mouth preventing him from cussing at Tanjiro.


"Kamado Tanjiro, and The demon, I've been waiting for the both of you" The serpent pillar glared at them well mostly towards y/n

"It's very nice to mee-" Tanjiro was cut off by Iguro

"Shut up." He spat

Y/n formed a thin line with his lips as he tried to hide behind Tanjiro

Iguro hated his guts from the first place and he probably hated him more since Mitsuri protected him when Iguro tried to kill him

"I've heard what happened from Mitsuri, you seemed to enjoy being with her, well unlike her I'm not as kind as her." Iguro threatened before leading the two towards a room

"What the hell.." Y/n's eye widened at what he just saw

There were demon slayers who's tied up with fears in their eyes, they were All gagged up

"What is this? An execution hall?" He asked in disbelief as he eyed each demon slayer

'Well at least Zenitsu' s not one of them.. He must've passed.'

The training have finally started and unlike Tanjiro Y/n was training without a sword which made him question iguro's hatred towards him

"WHY DON'T I GET A SWORD!?" He asked dodging a attack

"Because you don't deserve one." He answered

Y/n sighed and jumped back, his feel landed beside the head of a demon slayer who's in the verge of tears

The training didn't end well for the both of them in the first day

Day's have passed and Tanjiro have finally improved, both of them are now using a real Nichirin blades which made the tied up demon slayers shakes in fear

Y/n as well improved with his dodging skills, he was given a Nichirins to use and he was a bit hesitant to use it since he have no experience when it comes to Nichirins

"What will happen if I hit them?" He asked gulping

Iguro lifted up his hand and  lifted up a thumb slicing it in front of his neck which made the demon slayers to gulp harshly

Y/n get the idea and glanced at the demon slayers

"I'm sorry in advance.. I'm not good with real blades." he bowed causing for the demon slayers to scream in their gags as the training begins.


I changed the cover :)

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