Chapter 30

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"Y/n, no matter what happened you will always be welcome to the family.."

-kagaya Ubuyashiki

Third Person's POV

"Are you stupid? If you die who'll continue my legacy?" Muzan glared as he tighten the grip on y/n's neck

"I.. Don't.. Give a shit." Y/n chuckled as he managed to escape Muzan's grip

Muzan grew more furious as his attacks became more fiercer than before, it was too fast for them

The other have finally recovered, except for one

Mitsuri was heavily injured on her side, Both Y/n and Iguro's eyes widened

Y/n couldn't get near them since Muzan was blocking him

"Mit..suri-San.." He muttered, his hand starts to shake, trembling in both fear and rage

Fear that if this kept going there more who'll die, and rage for his father

He was about to jumped to attack when suddenly his leg was cut off

"Stay." Muzan glared, it was the same look he would give Y/n whenever he would torture him

Y/n felt the same fear for his father bubbling up his stomach, He felt like his body was rebelding against him since he did stayed still and didn't move an inch

They kept on going until Muzan's arm were chopped off

Muzan was confused, the cut wasn't clean, it was ragged it happened to his other arm once again

He gritted his teeth as he sensed three demon slayers, he slashed ruthlessly and the three demon slayer appeared

"GYAAAAAAAAAAH, HOW DARE YOU! " Zenitsu screeched

"He noticed sooner.." Kanao muttered

"Ow. Ow. Ow you Filthy maggot! " Inosuke yelled

The three of them landed away from muzan

"You guys are still alive!?" Gyomei asked surprised

"Of course! I have this papers in me!" Inosuke Said proudly as he threw all the papers

Y/n watched them, He felt useless since he can't move, his body was paralyzed by fear

He felt like muzan have taken control over him once again, his hand were trembling


"There's still too much time.." He mumbled

'Why aren't you helping?'

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