Chapter 34

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Third Person's POV

Three months have passed after the battle.

Tanjiro is sitting on a bed inside the butterfly Estate beside him was Nezuko who's admiring the beauty of the cherry blossoms

"the cherry blossoms are on full swings now.." Tanjiro said as he watches some petals entered the window and landed on Inosuke and Zenitsu who's sleeping on the end of his bed

"They're really pretty .." Nezuko smiled

The fight have finally ended, even tho too many lives have lost they need to continue and move on

Nezuko gently held his brothers left arm which is completely wrinkled up

"You can't even clench your fist?" Nezuko asked as she examined his brothers arm

"This hand.. Its like an old man's hand." She muttered

"Well I can move it up and down." Tanjiro said as he lift his arm and moved it up and down

"I can't feel anything below my elbow." He said as he looked at his arm, Nezuko nodded

Tanjiro shifted his gaze back to Nezuko and pointed at his right eye

"I had lost it already, so it took shape but I can't see with this eye anymore" He said

Tanjiros expression changed and turned into a sad look

"Rather than being worried about me, I'm more worried about you Nezuko" he said

"I'm totally fine!" she smiled

Tanjiro sighed as he saw the hand of Nezuko that is wrapped with bandages

"It'll probably leave a scar.. I'm really sorry to everyone as well" He said

Nezuko frowned as she looked at his brother

"Do you think someone would really care about it? Don't apologize now, If you say sorry once again I'll hit you" she said, Tanjiro nodded

For the past three months of being a patient in the butterfly Estate he could not get his mind off of Y/n

His heart hurts every time Y/n's smiling face would flash through his mind

Nezuko continued on talking, talking about on how Giyu thought it was over when she was bitten by his brother

Her voice slowly died down as she looked at his brothers expression

Tanjiro had a sad expression, Nezuko pulled something out of her pocket and tapped Tanjiro

"When you were holding me down this necklace fell on me, I changed its lace while you were sleeping.." Nezuko said as she opened up her palm and it showed the necklace Y/n have given him

The Cresent moon has a crack in the middle, he took it and stared at it for a while

Nezuko furrowed her eyebrows, Concern about his brother's behavior

"Thank you..." Tanjiro muttered softly as he closed his palm and placed it to his chest where his heart is

"N-no need to thank me, I know how important it is to you so I did what I have to do!" Nezuko Beemed but was startled when loud voices came in the room

Later on the room was filled by tanjiro's visitor, Uzui and his three wives have visited, Rengoku's family have visited and thanked Tanjiro for using his son's guard

The Swordsmith have visited as well along with the kakushi's scaring Zenitsu who clings to Tanjiro for his dear life

Day's had passed and the thrio along with Nezuko is visiting the graves of all the fallen demon slayers

"This will take forever!" Zenitsu complained

"Leave it to me!" Inosuke yelled as he threw the flowers causing it to go all over the place

Tanjiro and Nezuko simply smiled at them and Continued on placing the flowers down on each graves

After a long tiring day they finally headed towards their next destination

"What's inside that box on your back?" Inosuke asked as he point at the box behind zenitsu

"It's the ashes of my gramps" He answered

"Do you eat them?" Inosuke asked

"NO YOU IDIOT!" Zenitsu yelled

They climbed up the mountain and reunited with the old man who let Tanjiro in to stay for the night before his family got killed by Muzan

After the reunion they have arrived at the top, The graves where Tanjiro have burried to bodies of their siblings along with their mother has flowers growing over them

They all kneeled in front of Them and gave their prayers.

After praying they all went to the house and starts cleaning, Zenitsu and Nezuko was in charge with the laundry while Tanjiro sweeps the follow while inosuke surprisingly helps with them

It was almost nighttime and Tanjiro was helping to heat up a bath as zenitsu relaxed his body from the warm water

Though the relaxation didn't last as Inosuke jumped in and joined him

"NO! What are you doing!? One person at a time, One person at a TIME!" he yelled as he tries to push inosuke out

Night time came and everyone was enjoying the food Nezuko made, Zenitsu kept on giving Nezuko some food while Tanjiro would give him the 'Look'

They day have finally ended and everyone is now sleeping except for one person

Tanjiro was outside the house looking up the sky admiring the stars that shines brightly

He smiled once he saw the Cresent Moon, His hand grabbed the necklace and smiled as he run his fingers in it, Tears ran down his cheek he felt a cold breeze hits his body and then suddenly he felt like as if someone has wrapped their arm around him

He let them and enjoyed the feeling instead, once the warm feeling was gone he opened up his eyes and smiled

"Till next time, Y/n.... I promise you we'll meet again."


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