Chapter 7

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-Warning, This chapter is a bit messed up and quite triggering

Third Person's POV

The city was totally destroyed and there were no survivors left

"What the fuck happened here?" Sanemi asked

The others remained frozen on their spot, the once lively city was now completely destroyed

"Could it be, Muzan?" Shinobu asked

"This is why we should've killed tht brat!" iguro snapped

"H-hey Y/n-kun has nothing to do with this." kanroji said

They all remained silent, non of them dared to speak.


Inside a room a [H/c] is sitting beside uppermoon 3 or also know as Akaza

He was assigned to look after Y/n while his father continue with his experiment about the Blue Spider lily

Y/n stared at akaza with no emotion causing the demon to feel uncomfortable

"Akaza." y/n called, startling akaza

"Y-yeah?" he asked

Y/n tilted his head to the side, his eyes were now dull

He felt pity for y/n, he's just a child.

Akaza was about to say something when suddenly the door slid opened and the uppermoon two arrived holding a human who's whimpering

"Here ya go Y/n! This one has a marechi blood!" douma said cheerfully as he threw the human in front of the child

Douma sat beside akaza and watched the scene in front of them like some movie

"You know Y/n never consumed any human before right?" akaza asked, confused as to why there's a human here

"Just watch." Douma said while fanning himself

Akaza sighs and focused his attention in front of them

Y/n eyed the human like a predator watching its prey, it sent shivers down the two demons

The human run out the room, Akaza was about to chase him when douma stopped him and pointed at y/n who was now gone in his place

Screams of the human echoes inside the infinity fortress, Y/n who's casually walking through the hallways with his head hung down

He was a different person, he was not the Y/n who's always cheerful around the fortress

Muzan did something to him that made him this way, and he was proud of it.

Muzan was well aware that he broke him son's mentality, he was now in control of the kid

"Where do you think you're going?" y/n asked

With a blink of an eye the human was now decapitated, his head was being held by non other than his father muzan.

"You shouldn't play with your meal." he smirked throwing the head towards y/n

Muzan's fingers were covered by marechi blood, the scent was intoxicating and when y/n smelled the scent his eyes widened

He took a step forward his father who's holding out his finger that is covered in blood

"Go on, have a taste." he said

Y/n sniffed the blood he inched closer and lick his father's finger

His mind clouded after tasting the blood, it was on a different level the taste was intoxicating

He wants more

Muzan smirked at the sight of his son devouring the human, he knew from the start that once y/n devoured a human that's when he'll get even more stronger

Y/n stood up after eating the human, he wiped his lips with the haori kagaya gave him

He giggled causing for muzan to raised and eyebrow

"Father." he turned around, he was covered in blood

"Yes?" Muzan asked

Y/n smiled and asked his father for a favor which made muzan smirked and nodded.

In the Headquaters

Everyone was quiet during the meeting, ever since the pillars have arrived with the tragic news everyone seemed to be down

The thrio couldn't believe of what they heard, it was too much for them

"Tanjiro.. Do you think y/n has something to do with what happened?" Zenitsu asked while looking down on his lap

"What makes you think that?" tanjiro asked

Zenitsu turned to tanjiro

"The day he disappeared was the also the day that happened." he said

Tanjiro looked away and hoped that y/n has nothing to do with this


Pile of dead bodies were scattered around a room, Akaza and Douma looked at each other before sliding the door opened

Inside the room was a [H/C] boy who's back was facing them, pile of dead bodies surround him, bloods were everywhere

It was gruesome, even for a demon the scene in front of them sent shivers down their spine

The child turned around and smiled innocently



Hi~ you might be wondering 'Dafuq am I reading?'

Let me get things straight, this story won't be any other stories where the reader is a demon yet never consumes human and is a good one..


This story will be darker every chapter :)

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