Chapter 18

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Third Person's POV

Standing in front of the butterfly estate was Y/n who's currently having an intense glare battle with a... Boy? No.. A girl?

He can't decipher whether this person right in front of him is a boy or a girl

Oversized demon slayer uniform, long black hair with mint color In the end, lifeless eyes, and short.

This kid is shorter than me.. Must be a girl

"Hey.." Y/n waved trying to break the ice since he's starting to feel uncomfortable under the intense stare the person's giving him

"Who are you?" The person asked

Y/n lowered his hand and felt himself sweat dropped upon hearing the person's voice

"I'm.. Y/n, how about you?" He said

"Muichiro Tokito, the Mist Pillar" Muichiro answered

Yep.. He's a boy... Definitely a boy a pretty one to be exact...

"Nice to meet you, I gotta go" Y/n said while turning around ready to enter the estate and hide away from Muichiro since he just assumed his gender

"Wait, I need you to come with me." Muichiro said while holding on Y/n' sleeves

Y/n turned around and was surprised at how closed they were, Muichiro was practically shorter than him since he's facing up

"Wh-Why?" He choked on his words as Muichiro's hand slipped onto his and give it a firm grip

"Oyakata-sama's orders." Muichiro said and dragged Y/n with him

'Damn this kid got a good grip, he's strong.. How old is this kid actually?'

Y/n was snapped out of his thoughts when two kakushi's appeared in front of them and blindfolded them

"What the-" Y/n was stopped when he felt himself being lifted up causing for him to wrapped his arms around the person's neck

"WHERE ARE WE GOING!?" He yelled causing for the kakushi to hiss and started running

It's been an hour since they left and it was getting annoying since Y/ wouldn't shut up

"If you tell me where we're going and why I'm going with a kid, I would gladly appreciate it" He said, the kakushi who's carrying him sighed for the 20th time

"First of all, No one is allowed to know where and how to go to the Swordsmith's village and second of all Muichiro-sama is two years older than you so stop being an ass and shut up." The kakushi snapped

Y/n grumbled and lowered his head resting it on top of the kakushi's shoulder, not long after he ended up asleep which made the kakushi to sigh in relief


Another hour have passed and they finally arrived, They took off their blindfolds

The kakushi have left already, Y/n was too mesmerized at how the village looked like unaware that Muichiro have left already

"Hey Mui...chiro" He scanned his surrounding and no Muichiro on sight

He sighed and starts wandering around the village, Sounds of metal being forged can be heard in every corner

"He wants me to go with him yet here he is leaving me behind" He muttered to himself

He's been walking for god knows how long, the sun was still up indicating that it's already been afternoon

Kicking a pebble, Y/n grumbled as he entered a forest, Walking deeper into the forest he can hear voices and sensed three.. No four presence three human and a demon

Could it be..

Y/n began running and once he can spot their silhouette's he stopped and climbed on a nearby branch not far from the four

Muichiro was having a conversation with..

"Tanjiro? What's he doing here?" he mumbled to himself and continued to watch scene in front

Frowning Y/n felt the need to intervern since  it's starting to get intense, climbing Down he quietly approached them

He saw muichiro elbowed Tanjiro which made him cringed

That must've hurt..

While Tanjiro was on the ground holding his abdomen, Muichiro stiffened slightly and glared at the bod behind Tanjiro

"... I can sense a demon from that box, what's inside of if let me see" Muichiro said while reaching out toward the box

Y/n knowing what might happen when Muichiro found out about Nezuko might cause a huge problem even tho he have met them already..

Y/n reached out and grabbed Muichiro's wrist preventing him from touching the box, Muichiro glanced towards Y/n

"I-I'm the demon you sensed" He said, slowly letting go, Muichiro shrugged and reached out his hand towards the kid who's wearing a mask

"keys. Now." he demanded, the kid gave him the keys and left, leaving Y/n once again

He sighed and was about to leave when a hand grabbed his arm turning him around forcefully, He glared at Tanjiro who's also Glaring at him

"What are you doing here?" Tanjiro asked

"Shouldn't you be thanking me first since I helped you?" Y/n asked

Tanjiro's glare hardened as his grip tightened almost breaking Y/n's wrist

"Why would I give gratitude to the son of a demon who murdered my family and turned my sister into one?"


Mui is finally hereeeee~ also I wrote this at 4am so it's probably a bit messed up Sorry!

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