Chapter 11

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Third Person's POV

Y/n was thrown out of the store with brute force that made him fall in the ground with a loud thud

He winced in pain as he looked up and saw the same guy who's also buying ohagi

He took noticed of the huge amount of scars in his Body and his face, he also noticed the uniform

'Demon slayer huh?'

He stood up and dusted himself, there were people surrounding them watching the scene in front of them

"So it is true.. You turned your back against us." Sanemi said

Y/n looked at him with a confused expression

"What are you talking about?" he asked tilting his head to the side

Sanemi looked at him with wide eyes, surprised by his answer

"Stop pretending that you don't know anything!" he yelled unsheathing his blade

"We should've killed you right there where we saw you!" he said while positioning himself

Y/n who was still confused looked around and saw that the amount of people who's watching them are starting to grew more

He smirked and pulled a woman and wrapped his fingers around her neck, she instinctively grabbed his wrist trying to pry off his hand

Sanemi watched them with wide eyes, he didn't saw this coming, this caught him off guard

"Let her go!" he demanded

Y/n smiled sadistically and traced the back of his fingers on her face causing for the girl to flinch and whimper

"If I let her go you'll kill me." he said turning his attention back to sanemi who's gripping the hilt of his nichirin tightly

"Answer me...was it you? The one who destroyed the city?" Sanemi asked

Y/n loosened his grip on the girl's neck, making her gasp for air

"Be specific I've been into different kinds of city, so which city is it?" Y/n's question made sanemi's hand to shake

Its not the only city he destroyed...

He was left speechless, the brat he once knew have changed

He can no longer see the little kid who's always scared to be around him, the kid who kept running around the estate the kid who liked to watch the pillars train

That kid was long gone.

"How many..." he mumbled causing for the boy to leaned forward a bit

"What was that?" he asked, the girl he was holding started shaking in fear as Y/n's nails began to sharpen up

"How many cities have you obliterated you fucking monster!" sanemi yelled as he threw his sword right directly at Y/n

It went straight to his right eye causing him to stumbled back and loosing his grip to the girl who escaped successfully

He gritted in pain as he pulled the blade out of his eye, blood started dripping out of the hole the blade just made

He threw the blade away, his wound healed rather slower which made him so confused

Sanemi who picked up his nichirin smirked

"So it's true, the poison really slows your regeneration." he said

Y/n glared at him while covering the hole with his palm, there was a stinging pain coming from his eye

He gritted his teeth as the poison starts to spread around his head making him feel dizzy

He needs to get out of there quickly so he can absorb the poison without being distracted

But right now, escaping without a serious damage seems impossible since this pillar seemed to be someone who's persistent with killing demons

And the fact that the pillar knows him makes it more difficult for the [H/C] boy

While thinking of a way to escape, sanemi noticed it and take it as an advantage as he lunged forward with his nichirin aiming towards his neck

Y/n's eyes widened and backed away, his neck was sliced opened and blood spurting out of his neck

He coughed out some blood that came up from his throat, his hand flew up to his bleeding neck and tried to stop it from bleeding

He was panicking

"Heh.. I thought you'll be a pain in the ass but I was wrong.. You're weak" sanemi said swiping his nichrin in the air removing the blood that came from y/n

'You're weak.'

I-I'm not!

'You're weak.'

No, I'm not-

'You're weak.'

"NOOOOOO!" He screamed

Three tentacles with a Sharp ends that can cut came out of his back, his once [E/c] are now pure white, his fangs sharpened along with his nails

The wounds sanemi have made have been fully healed, y/n was grinning maniacally as he looked at sanemi who's glaring at him

"I'm... Not... Weak!" he growled

Sanemi's eyes widened, the sight in front was what you would call a, monster.

"Is this why you leave? Just to become a monster?" he asked

Y/n ignored his words and continued on growling at the pillar, he crouched down getting in a position similar to an animal who's watching its prey

His head twitched as he waited for the pillar to make the first move, the circled each other both glaring

The people that surrounds them are now hiding inside their house

"I hate to admit it but I nearly thought of you becoming my tsugoko since you kept watching me train and you looked so happy, but now I only see you as a demon, an enemy and threat to mankind that needs to be killed." sanemi spat as he stopped circling and lunged at the demon

"Breath of the wind, Fourth form; Rising dust storm!"


Hi~ sorry for the late update I've been busy watching Haikyuu and I gotta say HINATA IS INDEED A SUNSHINE-

Anyways, stay safe y'all!

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