Chapter 26

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Third Person's POV

Tanjiro's eyes snapped open, he sat up and saw Giyu and Y/n both standing beside him, Sanemi was gone

"Giyu-san! Y/N!..." He trailed as he looked around looking for the wind hashira

"Sanemi walked away and headed somewhere" Giyuu said, Tanjiro nodded in understanding and looked at y/n who's staring up at the sky before shifting his gaze back to giyu

"Why were you fighting?" he asked

"Were not fighting, each pillar needs to participate in the training." Giyuu explained

"Ah! That's why both of you are using wooden swords... I see.." Tanjiro said

Y/n mentally facepalmed at tanjiro, He sighed and went back to staring at the sky as birds fly around

"I wonder how the others are doing.." He muttered, closing his eyes he cleared his mind and took deep breaths

In his mind, he was once again in front of his core, he noticed that it was regaining its color, it wasn't dull anymore and the crack were almost gone

'Don't be so confident over it.'

His other self appeared on the other side of the core, he has a smirk on his face

"What do you mean?"

'The core isn't fully healed yet, which means it's still weak.'

Y/n watched as the core's light starts to fade once again, He started panicking as he holds it, the familiar warmth he felt were slowly getting colder

"What's happening?"

'It's simple.. The core is dying...and it's because of the emotions we have that shouldn't have existed, but thanks to mother we Inherited human emotions that's why we have this Damn core.'

Y/n stared at the core who's fighting to keep the color and regain its brightness back

"What will happen if it dies?"

His other self remained quiet for a while which created a tense atmosphere, Y/n stared at his other self who's staring at the core with a sad smile on his lips

'If this core dies...we will lose everything I'll disappear you'll disappear the memories will disappear as well..'

Y/n was about to speak when suddenly he was woken up by Tanjiro who looked at him with worried eyes

"Huh.. Wha- Tanjiro?" He asked

Tanjiro sighed in relief

"You suddenly passed out, I've been trying to wake you up for almost an hour now even Giyu-san tried to wake you up by slapping you that's why you have a red mark on your face..

Also you kept muttering something, you said something about a core.." Tanjiro said

Y/n groaned and sat up, He looked around and only the two of them were there and it was already nighttime

"I can't remember anything.." He muttered

Tanjiro pursed his lips as he watched Y/n, he thought Y/n was dead since he's not responding and barely breathing when he's trying to wake him up

"How do you feel, y/n?" Tanjiro asked, Y/n opened his mouth and was about to speak until..


The two of them widen their eyes in horror, Y/n was the first one to run towards the estate followed by Tanjiro

Y/n's heart felt like it'll burst in any minute, Fear was slowly creeping up to him, His footsteps were light as a feather

As he was getting closer a loud and massive explosion erupted from the estate causing for him to immediately stopped

His eyes widened in fear as tears starts to build up

"No..." He said as he continued running

"Y/n my child, always remember that no matter what happened you'll be forever part of this family, so you don't have to worry anymore you're safe here."

Memories of him and Oyakata-sama floods his mind, he can see the smoke coming from the estate

He fasten up his pace and saw the other pillars who's also on their way

Giyu who's also heading towards the estate on full speed, felt a strong gush of wind beside him startling him

Y/n finally arrived at estate, he stood in front of the destroyed estate he once lived in

His eyes stayed connected with plum red one's.

Right in front of him was his father who have been stabbed by numerous of spikes and a woman who's arm was digged in his abdomen

Muzan shifted his gaze from Tamayo and focused in his son's eyes, he smirked as he was once reunited with his child.

Y/n felt shiver ran down his spine as he saw his father smirked, it was sinister, a smirk that brings back bad memories

He was snapped out of his trance one his father's head was blown off by a powerful attack, his eyes widened once he saw the rock pillar

Muzan regenerated within a second, Soon each pillar have arrived at the scene

"YOU BITCH! WHAT DID YOU FUCKING DO TO OYAKATA-SAMA!?" Sanemi yelled as he threw an attack towards muzan

Each pillar have arrived and simultaneously attacked his father using their own breaths, Y/n's face paled as he once again saw the smirk formed in his father's lips and soon a sound of biwa being strum made his heart dropped

"You seriously thought you could corner me you worthless demon slayers!? You're all going to die now I'll slaughter you all tonight!" Muzan Yelled as he showed his fangs

"You'll be the one who'll die!" Tanjiro yelled as he performed his hinokami kagura

And with a blink of an eye they're inside the infinity fortress, a place full of bad memories a place where y/n was born

Y/n was falling beside Tanjiro, Both of them tried to reach each other by holding out their arms as their fingertips grazed each other Y/n was pulled away and was thrown inside a door

Muzan's head popped out and smirked to Tanjiro who's eyes widened and called out for Y/n's name

"Come and get me if you can, Kamado Tanjiro!"


Oh Boi..

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